
29 August 2024

2020 年度亚太肿瘤(放射)服务提供商 - 双威癌症与核医学中心
Asia Pacific Oncology (Radiation) Service Provider of the Year 2020 - Sunway Cancer and Nuclear Medicine Centre
2020 年亚太区最佳助孕医疗中心 - 双威助孕医疗中心
Asia Pacific Fertility Hospital of the Year 2020 - Sunway Fertility Centre
2020年亚太区小儿眼科服务商 - 双威眼科中心
Asia Pacific Paediatric Ophthalmology Service Provider of the Year 2020 - Sunway Eye Centre
2020 年度亚太医疗旅游医院 - 双威医疗中心
Asia Pacific Medical Tourism Hospital of the Year 2020 - Sunway Medical Centre