前列腺癌筛查 (Prostate Cancer Screening: Should You Take PSA Test?)
类别: news
根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的统计,前列腺癌是男性中第二常见的癌症。 在马来西亚,它占 2018 年所有新诊断癌症的 [...]
前列腺癌:你需要知道的 (Prostate Cancer: Types of Treatment and Cases)
类别: news
前列腺癌在男性中很常见,但尽管有症状,一些男性仍然对进行前列腺检查感到羞耻。双威医疗中心顾问临床肿瘤学家 Nik Muhd Aslan Abdullah [...]
Protecting Your Vision: How Diabetes Can Also Cause Serious Eye Complications (Protecting Your Vision: How Diabetes Can Also Cause Serious Eye Complications)
类别: news
In conjunction with World Sight Day, devoted to raising awareness about eye health, we focus on a hidden threat to our vision — diabetic eye complications. Diabetes, a condition that affects blood vessels throughout the body, can wreak havoc on our eyes, potentially causing irreversible [...]
牛皮癣:其原因、症状和治疗选择 (Psoriasis: Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options)
类别: blogpost
Psychiatrist: Protect Children from Addiction to Online Gaming Activities (Psychiatrist: Protect Children from Addiction to Online Gaming Activities)
类别: news
One in four youths in the country has been reported to be undergoing emotional stress while one in eight youths aged between 10 and 19, faced mental depression according to the National Health and Mobility Survey (NHMS) for 2022. Even more worrying about the contents of the survey is that one in [...]
Puberty: Everything You Need to Know! (Puberty: Everything You Need to Know!)
类别: blogpost
Puberty is a time of significant physical and hormonal changes that affect both boys and girls. While it is a natural and necessary part of growing up, it can also be a confusing and challenging time for both parents and children. In this blog post, Dr Ch’ng Tong Wooi will provide you with [...]
公共论坛:过敏反应 2019! (Public Forum: Allergic ReACTION 2019!)
类别: community-happenings
免费注册和免费停车 加入我们,成为我们的技术顾问团队,他们在各个亚专业拥有多年经验,他们将分享他们对特应性湿疹、鼻窦问题和哮喘的先进技术的广泛外科治疗的见解。 日期: 2019 年 3 月 [...]
公共论坛:当手术与刀具无关时 2019 (Public Forum: When Surgery is Not About Knives 2019)
类别: community-happenings
免费注册和免费停车 加入我们,成为我们的技术顾问团队,他们拥有多年跨专业经验,他们将分享他们对从运动障碍的先进技术到结直肠手术中的 IORT 等广泛外科治疗的见解。 日期: 2019 年 2 月 23 [...]
2019 年专用类别 (Purpose-built Category 2019)
类别: award
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City was accorded the prestigious FIABCI Malaysia Property Awards 2019 for the Purpose Built category. The award is the highest accolade and standard of professionalism achieved in the property and real estate industry and its recognition is a testament of [...]
挺胸前倾:男性乳腺癌指南 (Putting Your Best Chest Forward: A Guide To Men’s Breast Cancer)
类别: news
戒烟 (QUIT Smoking)
类别: page
我要戒烟! 我尝试戒烟,但又开始吸烟。 我应该去哪儿? 我应该怎么办? 药房 A 座提供私人和个性化的戒烟咨询。 [...]
#SunMedHerStories 测验:新父母备忘单 (Quiz for the New Parents)
类别: blogpost
放射学 (Radiology)
类别: page
我们的放射科使用我们最先进的设备和设施,提供诊断放射学、介入放射学、超声和横截面成像(CT [...]
放射及介入中心 (Radiology & Interventional Centre)
类别: excellence
放疗越来越重要 (Radiotherapy Gaining Greater Importance)
类别: news
放射疗法治疗癌症,尤其是头颈癌,随着它变得更有针对性而变得越来越重要,该领域的专家专注于减少患者在治疗期间的副作用。 StarMetro 最近与临床肿瘤学家John Low [...]
放疗面罩变身英雄面罩 (Radiotherapy masks transformed into hero masks)
类别: news
许多癌症患者必须接受放射治疗,而头颈癌患者则需要在接受放射治疗时将热塑性面罩牢固地固定在头部。面罩可防止它们在手术过程中移动并影响治疗。在治疗结束时,这些面罩不再有用,并且在与患者进行至少 33 [...]
Radixact-X9 断层治疗 (Radixact-X9 Tomotherapy)
类别: page
双威医疗中心自豪地推出 Radixact-X9 Tomotherapy,这是下一代图像引导肿瘤治疗交付系统,使用精细的 X 射线光束线为患者提供无与伦比的治疗精度。 看。计划。对待。 Radixact-X9 Tomotherapy [...]
2024 年《读者文摘》可信品牌 (Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2024)
类别: award
2024 年《读者文摘》可信品牌 双威城双威医疗中心 (SMC) 荣获《读者文摘》颁发的久负盛名的“值得信赖品牌奖”。 二十多年来,《读者文摘》一直在马来西亚进行领先的调查,衡量消费者对各种品牌的信任度。 [...]
Recognising Prediabetes Symptoms Key to Preventing Diabetes (Recognising Prediabetes Symptoms Key to Preventing Diabetes)
类别: news
Diabetes is among the most feared non-communicable diseases due to its potential to trigger complications that can lead to kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. Despite various efforts by the government to raise public awareness about the dangers of diabetes, Malaysia continues to record the [...]
减轻体重以控制肝病 (Reduce Weight To Manage Liver Disease)
类别: news
肝脏是人体的重要器官,负责多种功能,包括帮助支持新陈代谢、免疫力、消化、解毒和维生素储存。 随着肥胖率的上升,非酒精性脂肪性肝病 (NAFLD) [...]