康复治疗 (Rehabilitation)
类别: page
Lokomat Pro V5 Lokomat Pro V5 [...]
康复医学中心 (Rehabilitation Medicine Centre)
类别: excellence
康复医学帮助患有残疾的医疗条件的人尽量减少由他们的疾病或残疾造成的影响和并发症。 [...]
ReLEX SMILE 配套 (ReLEX Smile Package)
类别: promotion
ReLEX SMILE 双眼配套现在只需 RM9,888 (np: RM14,326) 无需眼镜或隐形眼镜也能看得很清楚! 提供 0% 利息简易付款计划* *适用条款和条件 欲了解更多信息,请立即联系我们! 双威城双威医疗中心:+6019 229 [...]
肾脏及透析中心 (Renal & Dialysis Centre)
类别: excellence
哪儿坏换哪儿 无需全部替换 机器人局部换膝 痊愈快更耐用 (Replacement Wherever It Breaks, Total Replacement Not Needed: Robotic Partial Knee Replacement, Faster Healing and Longer Durability)
类别: news
消费者报告药物副作用 (Reporting Of Medicine Side Effects by Consumers)
类别: page
Side Effects/Adverse Drug Reaction What Is A Side Effect/Adverse Drug Reaction? An unwanted effect or a harmful reaction experienced following the administration of a drug/medicine or combination of medicines. The reaction may be a known side effect of the medicine or it may be new and [...]
Reproductive Technology Accreditation Commitee (Reproductive Technology Accreditation Commitee)
类别: award
Reproductive Technology Accreditation Commitee Sunway Medical Centre Fertility Centre was certified by RTAC (Reproductive Technology Accreditation Certification) since 2023. This prestigious recognition acknowledges our commitment to providing high-quality, safe and effective fertility [...]
要求提供医疗报告 (Request for a Medical Report)
类别: page
双威医疗中心的病历部门 (MRD) 为以下要求提供服务: 填写保险表格 / SOCSO / EPF 书面医疗报告 调查报告 患者的书面同意对于发布医疗信息是强制性的。对于未满 18 [...]
除了针对 COVID-19 的标准可用疗法外,还开展了测试可能的草药疗法的研究工作 (Research effort to test possible herbal treatment in addition to standard available treatment for COVID-19)
类别: news
双威传统和补充医学 (TCM) 中心、双威医疗集团、双溪毛糯医院、马来西亚卫生部和上海中医药大学马来西亚校友正在汇集他们的专业知识,提交关于 COVID-19 治疗方案的研究计划。除了对感染 COVID-19 [...]
Restoring Hearing Loss with Cochlear Implants (Restoring Hearing Loss with Cochlear Implants)
类别: news
Cochlear implants can transform the world of sound from a distant dream into a vibrant reality for both adults and children with hearing loss. Sunway Medical Centre Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Otology, Neurotology, Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery Consultant, Dr Shailendra Sivalingam, said [...]
使用机器人辅助手术恢复听力天赋 (Restoring The Gift of Hearing Using Robot-Assisted Surgery)
类别: news
耳鼻喉科顾问医生 Shailendra Sivalingam 医生正在执行人工耳蜗植入手术。 每年的 3 月 3 日是世界听力日 。想象一个寂静的世界 - 没有鸟鸣,没有音乐,也没有言语。这就是 7 岁的Suri [...]
零售和餐饮 (Retail & Dining)
类别: page
揭露糖尿病的不为人知的真相 (Revealing the Not-So-Sweet Truths About Diabetes)
类别: blogpost
加快前列腺癌病因的旅程 (Revved up on journey for prostate cancer cause)
类别: news
两名摩托车爱好者发起了“Ride Your Journey”活动,他们将尝试在 72 小时内骑行 6,000 公里,为马来西亚前列腺癌协会筹集资金。 这对二人组 Sarawan Ratnam 和 Balan Vellasamy 于 12 月 10 [...]
机器人膝关节置换手术提供更精确的手术结果 (Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery Provides More Precise Surgical Outcomes)
类别: news
机器人手术及MIS中心 (Robotic Surgery & MIS Centre)
类别: excellence
Static Landing page
前列腺癌机器人手术 (Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer)
类别: news
机器人技术让您更快地回到您喜欢的事物 (Robotic Technology Gets You Back To The Things You Love, Quicker)
类别: news
在经历了六年的慢性疼痛后,接受机械臂辅助双侧膝关节置换手术是拿督古南 Ngum 做过的最好的决定。 Kour 在每步行 50 [...]
机械臂辅助关节置换手术 (Robotic-Arm Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery)
类别: promotion
Robotic-Assisted Prostate Cancer Surgery, a Quick Recovery Option (Robotic-Assisted Prostate Cancer Surgery, a Quick Recovery Option)
类别: news
Lack of awareness in prostate cancer is still present among men, despite it being the third most common cancer in the country. Prostate cancer is experienced by one in 120 men in Malaysia, especially those above the age of 50. According to Consultant Urologist, Endourologist and Robotic [...]