Run For Rare 2019:3,300 名跑步者提高了对罕见疾病的认识 (Run For Rare 2019: 3,300 Runners Create Awareness For Rare Diseases)
类别: news
左起)MLDA创始总裁Thong Meow-Keong医生、卫生部长拿督斯里Dzulkelfy Ahmad医生和双威集团医疗保健服务董事总经理Lau Beng Long先生Lee Yee [...]
腹主动脉瘤 (AAA):腹中的火山——是什么杀死了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (Rupture of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA): The Disease that Killed Albert Einstein)
类别: blogpost
主动脉是腹部最大的动脉(血管),它将含氧血液从心脏输送到腹部、盆腔器官以及下肢。腹主动脉瘤 (AAA) [...]
安全使用抗生素 (Safe Use of Antibiotics)
类别: page
Antibiotics Are NOT Always the Answer Most cough and cold illnesses are caused by viruses. Antibiotics can only treat bacterial illnesses–not viral illnesses. Common illnesses where antibiotics are NOT REQUIRED include: Colds Influenza (the flu) Runny noses Most [...]
无盐甜玉米、枸杞和Yokechok汤 (Salt-Free Sweetcorn, Wolfberries & Yokechok Soup)
类别: blogpost
原料 馅料 1个新鲜甜玉米10克 雪耳 4个籽红枣 15克枸杞去味 60克胡萝卜,切块 1升 龙眼肉 15g polyconattum (Yoke chok) [...]
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2024 Event (Scoliosis Awareness Month 2024 Event)
类别: community-happenings
加入我们,参加 2024 年脊柱侧弯意识月活动,活动将于 2024 年 6 月 9 日(周日)在 SunMed 会议中心 A 楼 4 [...]
脊柱侧弯诊所 (Scoliosis Clinic)
类别: promotion
由于缺乏症状,许多脊柱侧弯患者直到为时已晚才意识到自己患有这种疾病。如果您发现自己或您的孩子有脊柱侧弯的迹象,请尽快去看脊柱专家,以防止病情随着时间的推移而恶化。 脊柱侧弯诊所| [...]
脊柱侧弯 - Saw Lim Beng 医生 (Scoliosis: Understanding, Symptoms, and Treatment by Dr Saw Lim Beng)
类别: blogpost
脊柱畸形——脊柱侧弯 作者:Saw Lim Beng 医生,脊柱外科医生顾问 脊柱侧弯是脊柱或背骨向一侧弯曲呈 S 形或 C 形的情况,因此通常称为 S 形或 C [...]
搜索结果 (Search Result)
类别: page
重获高清 ”视“界 (Seeing Clearly Again)
类别: news
见证您的健康:专访放射技师 Jeremiah Hong (Seeing You Through to Good Health: Interview with Radiographer, Jeremiah Hong)
类别: blogpost
介绍 Jeremiah Hong,他是我们在双威市双威医疗中心工作的敬业放射技师之一。 像他这样的放射技师在幕后发挥着重要作用。他们通过 CT 扫描、磁共振成像 (MRI)、X [...]
带状疱疹疫苗 (Shingles Vaccine)
类别: promotion
预防带状疱疹的安全有效方法 您现在可以在双威城的双威医疗中心接种带状疱疹疫苗,每剂只需908马币。 该疫苗适用于以下人群: 50 岁及以上 18 [...]
聚焦心理健康:临床心理学家 Michelle Chong 访谈 (Shining a Light on Mental Health: Interview with Clinical Psychologist, Michelle Chong)
类别: blogpost
您是否知道,据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 报道,全世界每 8 人中就有 1 人患有精神疾病?尽管精神疾病十分普遍,但人们却常常忽视它。 我们采访了双威医疗中心的临床心理学家 Michelle [...]
Shu Xian’s Leg Reconstruction Journey (Shu Xian’s Leg Reconstruction Journey)
类别: blogpost
When Shu Xian's life was turned upside down after a devastating car accident, she faced the possibility of losing her leg. With unwavering determination and the support of exceptional doctors at Sunway Medical Centre in Malaysia, she embarked on an arduous journey of leg reconstruction surgery [...]
新加坡 GIC 在三年内投资 7.5 亿令吉收购双威医疗 16% 的股权 (Singapore's GIC invests RM750mil for 16% stake in Sunway Healthcare over three years)
类别: news
新加坡主权财富基金 GIC Pte Ltd 以 7.5 亿令吉收购双威医疗控股私人有限公司 (SHH) 16% 的股权,证实了 The Edge 上周末关于 GIC [...]
网站地图 (Sitemap)
类别: page
皮肤中心 (Skin Centre)
类别: excellence
Covid-19 期间的皮肤深层安全 (SKIN-DEEP SAFETY during Covid-19)
类别: blogpost
睡眠研究 (Sleep Study)
类别: promotion
睡眠研究中心 (Sleep Study Centre)
类别: page
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 (OSA) [...]
睡地板可改善脊椎问题? 不要睡太软 而非睡地板 (Sleeping On The Floor Can Improve Spinal Problems? Don't Sleep Too Soft, Not On The Floor)
类别: news