
SMC partners Samsung Malaysia for ‘Time to Move’ Wellness Programme (SMC partners Samsung Malaysia for ‘Time to Move’ Wellness Programme)

类别: news

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17 -- Sunway Medical Centre (SMC), in partnership with Samsung Malaysia Electronics, has launched 'Time to Move, a 90-day wellness programme to guide participants on a holistic health journey. SMC Chief Executive Officer Dr Seow Vei Ken said the programme, which begins with [...]


SMC Partners with Annalise.AI and LAC Medical Supplies for AI-supported Radiology Reporting (SMC Partners with Annalise.AI and LAC Medical Supplies for AI-supported Radiology Reporting)

类别: news

Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) partners with award-winning AI decision support solution Annalise.ai and LAC Medical Supplies in its commitment to advancing healthcare through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology reporting. SMC Chief Executive Officer Dr Seow Vei [...]


SMC Ranked Top For Paediatrics Services In Malaysia, 28th Within Asia Pacific (SMC Ranked Top For Paediatrics Services In Malaysia, 28th Within Asia Pacific)

类别: news

KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 (Bernama) -- Sunway Medical Centre (SMC), Sunway City is ranked the top for paediatrics services in Malaysia, according to the Best Specialized Hospitals Asia Pacific Newsweek 2023 rankings. SMC in a statement today mentioned the hospital is ranked 28th for [...]


SMC Shares Importance of Spine Screening for Early Scoliosis Detection (SMC Shares Importance of Spine Screening for Early Scoliosis Detection)

类别: news

KUALA LUMPUR, July 5 (Bernama) -- Understanding scoliosis and knowing when to seek attention is key to timely intervention and prevention as this will encourage prompt medical consultation, provide emotional support to those affected and eradicate misconceptions [...]


SMC 步入式面试 (SMC Walk-In Interview)

类别: community-happenings



SMC: Parents Need To Be Alert To Children’s Safety, Health While Travelling (SMC: Parents Need To Be Alert To Children’s Safety, Health While Travelling)

类别: news

KUALA LUMPUR: Parents have to remain alert to the health needs and potential risks towards their children, especially those under the age of five, to ensure they remain safe and healthy while travelling. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC), Accident and Emergency Department Head, Dr Lee [...]


光滑无瑕的肌肤 (Smooth and Flawless Skin)

类别: promotion


儿童打鼾不正常 (Snoring among children is not normal)

类别: news

很多人认为,孩子在睡觉时打呼噜是因为他们在一天的活动之后睡得很好。 事实上,有些家长觉得情况正常,不用担心——但事实是孩子打鼾是不正常的。 研究表明,全世界 12% 的 1 至 9 [...]


打鼾:严重的健康风险 (Snoring: A serious health risk)

类别: news

听到一个人在睡觉时打鼾很常见,包括儿童。然而,孩子的鼾声响亮而持久是不寻常的。 如果儿童每周打鼾超过 3 次,应带他们去看儿科医生或耳鼻喉 (ENT) [...]


特殊诊断 (Special Diagnostics)

类别: page

双威医疗中心的特殊诊断部门提供尖端技术,为患者提供准确的诊断、治疗和患者舒适度。 提供的服务和程序 我们的特殊诊断服务包括: 回声心电图 压力测试 心电图 (ECG) 脑电图 [...]


Specialist: Risk Factor Screening Can Reduce Risk of Pre-Eclampsia During Pregnancy (Specialist: Risk Factor Screening Can Reduce Risk of Pre-Eclampsia During Pregnancy)

类别: news

Pregnancy is a life-changing experience for every woman, but some may face difficulties due to health conditions such as pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia, a potentially life-threatening hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, affects not only the health of pregnant mothers but also their baby's [...]



类别: page

SPECT-CT 结合了两种成像技术——显示体内生物功能的 SPECT 和显示详细解剖结构的计算机断层扫描 (CT)。如果扫描仪没有 CT 组件,它通常被称为伽马相机而不是 SPECT 扫描仪。 SPECT-CT [...]


言语和听力中心 (Speech & Hearing Centre)

类别: excellence



脊柱中心 (Spine Centre)

类别: excellence

  背部问题是成年人常见的身体不适和挣扎,具有多种类型的症状,包括:疼痛、剧烈的集中疼痛、僵硬、麻木、刺痛感,偶尔还会向腿部放射疼痛。 [...]


肺活量计 (Spirometry)

类别: page

肺活量测定(也称为肺功能测试或肺功能测试)是评估肺功能的常见且有效的诊断测试。对于医生来说,这是一种可靠的方法来测试肺部是否存在 [...]


赞助 (Sponsorships)

类别: career

双威医疗中心正在迅速扩张! 你可以成为我们未来护理工作组的一员。 我们提供护理文凭奖学金。 您准备好改变医疗保健行业了吗? 18-25岁的马来西亚公民 STPM/SPM 至少 5 [...]


Spotlight Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness And Its Impact (Spotlight Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness And Its Impact)

类别: news

Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Many people mistakenly assume joint pain is simply a natural part of ageing, often overlooking rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as a potential cause. RA is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect individuals at any age, not just older adults. In fact, the [...]


SRECTR for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Protects Tendons, Reduces Risk of Postoperative Nerve Damage (SRECTR for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Protects Tendons, Reduces Risk of Postoperative Nerve Damage)

类别: news

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which swelling of the tendons, combined with sclerosis of the transverse carpal ligament, compresses the median nerve, causing pain, tingling and numbness in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. After non-surgical treatment fails, surgical treatment [...]


员工护士(应届毕业生) (Staff Nurse (Fresh Graduates))

类别: career

州注册护士/马来西亚护理委员会认证 护理文凭 / CGPA 3 及以上学位资格 沟通能力强,能够轻松与患者和亲属建立融洽的关系


员工护士(多学科、ICU/HDU、OT) (Staff Nurse (Multi-Disciplinary, ICU/HDU, OT))

类别: career

拥有有效的年度执业证书(APC)的护理文凭或学位 国家注册护士最好在相关领域有3年工作经验 相关岗位基本资格将是一个优势


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