Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Facilitates FRCS (Neurosurgery) Viva Course for Surgeons in Training (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Facilitates FRCS (Neurosurgery) Viva Course for Surgeons in Training)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 (Bernama) -- The Royal Colleges of Surgeons [FRCS (Neurosurgery)] Viva Course was recently organised by Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) encompassing numerous modules as a comprehensive run-through practice. SMC in a statement said the two-day course [...]
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Spearheads Robotic Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in Southeast Asia (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Spearheads Robotic Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in Southeast Asia)
类别: news
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) became the first Southeast Asian hospital to run a robotic partial knee replacement surgery using the ROSA Robotic System with its first surgery successfully performed on May 31, 2023. The private hospital in Sunway City, Selangor, is familiar with using [...]
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City wins Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Best Practices Market Leadership Award (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Wins Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Best Practices Market Leadership Award)
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Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) has once again won another award this year, this time for the Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Best Practices Market Leadership Award in the Malaysian hospital industry. Through a rigorous analytical process to evaluate multiple nominees for each [...]
双威医疗中心、双威城的敬业女性:急诊医生 Elayni Borhan 医生的生活一瞥 (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City’s Dedicated Women: A Glimpse Into the Life of Emergency Physician, Dr Elayni Borhan)
类别: blogpost
配合今年的国际妇女节,双威城庆祝在医疗保健领域尽职尽责的女性,她们不知疲倦地为患者奉献自己,然后她们回家后将 100% 的精力投入到工作和家庭之外的热情中。在此致敬中,一窥急诊医师顾问医生 Elayni Borhan [...]
双威医疗中心、双威城的敬业女性:儿科医生和儿科血液及肿瘤科医生 Yap Tsiao Yi 医生的生活一瞥 (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City’s Dedicated Women: A Glimpse Into the Life of Paediatrician and Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Physician, Dr Yap Tsiao Yi)
类别: blogpost
配合今年的国际妇女节,双威城双威医疗中心庆祝那些在医疗保健领域兢兢业业的女性,她们不知疲倦地为病人奉献自己,然后她们回家后又 100% [...]
双威医疗中心、双威城的敬业女性:放射科医生 Shalini Seeritharan 医生的生活一瞥 (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City’s Dedicated Women: A Glimpse Into the Life of Radiologist, Dr Shalini Seeritharan)
类别: blogpost
配合今年的国际妇女节,双威城双威医疗中心庆祝在医疗保健领域尽职尽责的女性,她们不知疲倦地为患者奉献自己,然后她们回家后将 100% 的精力投入到工作和家庭之外的热情中。在此致敬中,一窥放射科顾问医生 Shalini [...]
双威医疗中心以奥斯卡为主题的 20 周年晚宴 (Sunway Medical Centre’s Oscars-themed 20th Anniversary dinner)
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上周五,双威医疗中心的 1,870 名员工齐聚一堂,庆祝医院成立 20 周年。 当双威集团主席兼创办人丹斯里拿督斯里Jeffrey [...]
双威医疗进行惊人的手术,拯救了11个月大的婴儿 (Sunway Medical conducts astonishing surgery, saving 11-month old baby)
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双威医疗中心跨越一个里程碑,为一名出生时心脏有两个洞的 11 个月大婴儿进行室间隔缺损手术 (VSD) [...]
双威肿瘤学与 MIS 研讨会 2022 (Sunway Oncology & MIS Symposium 2022)
类别: community-happenings
点击注册:symposium.sunwaymedical.com/cancerMIS 欲了解更多信息,请致电+6019-643 7113 或发送电子邮件至[email protected]联系我们
双威机器人手术中心 (Sunway Robotic Surgery Centre)
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双威保护区(双威城) (Sunway Sanctuary (Sunway City))
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双威中医 (Sunway TCM)
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Sunway The Good Run 2019 (Sunway The Good Run 2019)
类别: community-happenings
For more information about the run, please log on to http://www.sunwaythegoodrun.com
双威移植研讨会 2023 (Sunway Transplant Symposium 2023)
类别: community-happenings
双威移植研讨会 2023 第二次机会:移植的革命性突破 在这里免费注册 日期:2023年1月15日,星期日 时间:上午 8:00 - 下午 4:00 地点: SunMed 会议中心、双威医疗中心、双威城 | 仅限 100 名实体参与者 在线 | [...]
双威医疗集团为国家血液中心收集超过 300 个血袋 (Sunway Healthcare Group Collects Over 300 Blood Bags For National Blood Centre)
类别: news
双威医疗集团 (SHG) 在 2022 年 6 月 13 日至 17 日组织的捐赠活动后,为国家血库收集了 300 多个血袋。 该倡议由该集团的企业社会责任部门双威医疗基金会牵头,与其双威医疗中心和双威医疗中心 Velocity 分店合作,以纪念 6 [...]
支持与享有特权 (Support & Privileges)
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支援团队 (Support Group)
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支持女性度过更年期 (Supporting Women Through Menopause)
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更年期仍然是女性认为公开谈论的敏感话题。但现实是,无论性别,每个人都需要知道什么是更年期,以支持在精神上和情感上经历那个阶段的女性。 更年期是指女性的月经周期停止并在连续 12 [...]
Surge in Heart Attacks among Young Malaysians a Growing Concern - Cardiologist (Surge in Heart Attacks among Young Malaysians a Growing Concern - Cardiologist)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR - Heart disease has long been perceived as a condition predominantly affecting the elderly, but an alarming number of young Malaysians are now falling victim to this 'silent killer'. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City's (SMC) Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Richard Chan Tze [...]
动静脉瘘 (Surgery for AV Fistula: The Lifeline of a Haemodialysis Patient)
类别: blogpost