
Surgical Symposium on Advanced Robotic Technology (SSMART) (Surgical Symposium on Advanced Robotic Technology (SSMART))

类别: community-happenings

Mark your calendars and join us at the Surgical Symposium on Advanced Robotic Technology (SSMART), where our accomplished multispecialty robotic experts will share insights on the various applications of robotic-assisted surgery across multiple specialties, including urology, gynecology, general [...]


擦拭 Covid-19 (Swabbing for Covid-19)

类别: news


银屑病关节炎的症状和治疗 (Symptoms and Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis)

类别: blogpost



Tackling Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, An Unseen Challenge Among Malaysian Men (Tackling Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, An Unseen Challenge Among Malaysian Men)

类别: news

KUALA LUMPUR: The prostate is a walnut-sized gland, a vital organ at the urinary bladder's base that produces fluid to protect and nourish sperms, while the muscles keep urine from leaking out. However, as men age, this organ can cause issues, with one of the conditions being Benign [...]


前列腺癌 • 简单介绍 (Tackling Prostate Cancer in Malaysia: Importance of Early Screening)

类别: blogpost



Tackling The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemic (Tackling The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemic)

类别: news

  KUALA LUMPUR, March 15 – Malaysia faces a silent but growing epidemic, namely Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). CKD is a long-term condition that is described as a gradual loss of kidney function over time. Affecting a significant proportion of the population, CKD remains largely [...]


好好照顾你的肠道 (Take good care of your gut)

类别: news

健康的肠道有助于增强免疫系统、心脏健康、大脑健康、改善情绪、健康睡眠和有效消化。 Chung Yun Chien 医生使用流行歌手 Selena Gomez 的疾病——系统性红斑狼疮 [...]


采取措施加强抗癌 (Taking steps to up cancer fight)

类别: news

癌症是马来西亚第四大常见死因,每年报告约 37,000 例。 预计到 2030 年,这一数字将上升到 55,000 多例新诊断病例。 卫生部的马来西亚癌症生存研究表明,癌症是政府医院所有死亡人数的 12.6% 和私立医院 26.7% [...]


才华横溢的放射治疗师将放射治疗面罩变成癌症患者最喜欢的角色 (Talented Radiation Therapists Transform Radiotherapy Masks into Cancer Patients’ Favourite Characters)

类别: blogpost



丹斯里Jeffrey Cheah医生和双威医疗中心在 BMCC 颁奖典礼上获得最高荣誉 (Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah and Sunway Medical Centre bag top honours at BMCC's award ceremony)

类别: news

  继 2014 年与剑桥大学建立合作伙伴关系后,双威医疗中心最近获得了英国-马来西亚杰出合作伙伴奖,以表彰其在研究和临床培训机会方面的贡献。 2019 年度英国马来西亚商会 [...]


Targeted screenings encouraged for early detection of lung cancer (Targeted Screenings Encouraged for Early Detection of Lung Cancer)

类别: news

KUALA LUMPUR: Many cases of lung cancer recorded among non-smokers are due to exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS), third-hand smoke (THS), or air pollution. Dr Anand Sachithanandan, consultant cardiothoracic surgeon at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City, therefore, encouraged targeted lung [...]


中医拔罐 (TCM Cupping)

类别: page

Cupping is an ancient form of TCM treatment that a TCM physician puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. The physician utilizes glass, bamboo, ceramic or plastic cups over a painful area or acupuncture points leaving temporary marks on the skin (redness or therapeutic [...]


中医调理 (TCM Manipulation)

类别: page

A) Traditional Chinese Massage Therapy (Tuina) Tuina or tui-na (pronounced as twee-nah) massage is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork. It is based on the theory of meridians and collaterals and is a special form of massage that utilizes techniques specific to Chinese medicine. The [...]


中医康复 (TCM Rehabilitation)

类别: page

TCM rehabilitation incorporates modern healthcare by using a variety of unique methods and useful measures for the disabled, senile and chronic diseases.  At TCM, we take treatment measures under TCM basic theory where we focus on the symptoms (the basic factors and external manifestations of [...]


中药刮痧 (TCM Scraping)

类别: page

Guasha is a therapeutic method for pain management using specific tools to press-stroke the surface of the body. According to TCM principle, it is used to relieved blood stagnation and to enhance immunity, clinically itt is used for muscle fatigue and to disperse heat etc.   Is Gua Sha [...]


中医药专业 (TCM Specialities)

类别: page


中医养生 (TCM Wellness)

类别: page

TCM Wellness provides a solution for these sub-optimal health issues to help you obtain optimal wellbeing.  In TCM, traditional Chinese medicine emphasises on the “preventive treatment of Diseases” and the harmonisation and relationships between five major “organs” in [...]


癌症治疗技术 (Technology in Cancer Treatment)

类别: page


远程医疗指挥中心 (Telemedicine Command Centre)

类别: page


远程康复服务 (Telerehab Service)

类别: promotion



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