中医养生 (TCM Wellness)
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TCM Wellness provides a solution for these sub-optimal health issues to help you obtain optimal wellbeing. In TCM, traditional Chinese medicine emphasises on the “preventive treatment of Diseases” and the harmonisation and relationships between five major “organs” in [...]
癌症治疗技术 (Technology in Cancer Treatment)
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远程医疗指挥中心 (Telemedicine Command Centre)
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远程康复服务 (Telerehab Service)
类别: promotion
Tell-tale signs of inguinal hernia (Tell-Tale Signs of Inguinal Hernia)
类别: news
A BULGE or swelling in the groin area of a child could be a tell-tale sign of inguinal hernia. This condition occurs when tissues push through an opening or a weak spot in the abdominal wall. The bulge or swelling typically becomes more noticeable when the child cries, coughs or strains. While [...]
2019 年度 APHM 国际医疗保健会议暨展览会 (The Annual APHM International Healthcare Conference & Exhibition 2019)
类别: news
一年一度的 APHM 国际医疗保健会议暨展览会最近于 2019 年 7 月 29 日至 31 日在吉隆坡会议中心举行,作为参加活动的 200 [...]
禁食的好处 (The Benefits of Fasting)
类别: news
声音嘶哑的原因 (The cause of hoarse voice)
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肝炎的危害 (The Danger of Hepatitis)
类别: news
我们中的许多人并不了解肝炎,因为我们大多数人认为它与 HIV 有关。事实上,不仅如此。与世界肝炎日相结合,SinarPlus [...]
2022 年 The Edge 第三时代经济研讨会:在大流行后的世界中为退休做准备的挑战 (The Edge Third Age Economy Symposium 2022: Challenges of Preparing For Retirement in a Post-pandemic World)
类别: news
辛辣食物的影响 (The effects of spicy food)
类别: news
#SunMedHerStories 相信你的直觉:你的消化系统告诉你什么 (The Essential Steps for Improving Gut Health Throughout Your Life)
类别: blogpost
还记得小时候,我们如何能够在世界上不费吹灰之力地吃掉整包含糖糖果和加工过的零食吗?或者,作为青少年,能够狼吞虎咽地吃快餐并仍然保持健康的体格是你会自豪地声称的事情吗?20 多岁和 30 [...]
无比强大的庆典 (The Fabulously Powerful Celebration)
类别: community-happenings
女士们,是时候把自己放在第一位了。加入我们一天的授权活动! 我们即将于 2023 年 3 月 25 日(星期六)上午 9 点至下午 2 点在 SunMed 会议中心举行的 The Fabulously Powerful [...]
生命的礼物:干细胞移植 (The Gift of Life: Stem Cell Transplant)
类别: news
干细胞移植是癌症或血液疾病患者获得第二次生命的机会。造血干细胞移植或骨髓移植是将健康干细胞移植到骨髓衰竭、受损或不再正常运作的人的过程。 双威医疗中心顾问血液学家 Henning Loo Cheng Kien [...]
The Growing Health Concern Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease In Malaysia (The Growing Health Concern of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Malaysia)
类别: news
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a significant, yet often overlooked, health issue in Malaysia. Despite affecting a considerable portion of the population, awareness and understanding of COPD remain low. Globally, COPD is the third leading cause of death worldwide, causing [...]
言语治疗的核心:采访言语治疗师 Christina Rishika Lazarus (The Heart of Speech Therapy: Interview with Speech-Language Therapist, Christina Rishika Lazarus)
类别: blogpost
言语治疗不仅仅是帮助人们清晰地表达单词;它是一项重要的服务,为有沟通、吞咽和声音障碍的个人提供支持,使他们能够在日常生活中更有效地联系和互动。 对于 Christina Rishika Lazarus [...]
丰盛的文摘 (The Hearty Digest)
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用正确的营养培育孩子 (The Importance of Childhood Nutrition: A Guide for Parents)
类别: blogpost
儿童疫苗接种和 COVID-19 疫苗接种的重要性 (The Importance of Childhood Vaccination and COVID-19 Vaccination)
类别: news
儿童疫苗接种的话题一直备受关注,尤其是最近。现在,对于父母来说,这是一个更加重要的话题,因为他们要让年幼的孩子为最近的政府批准和开始为 5 至 11 岁的孩子接种 COVID-19 [...]
癌症治疗的隐形支柱 (The Invisible Backbone of Cancer Care)
类别: news
从 2022 年到 2024 [...]