战胜糖尿病的旅程现在开始 (The Journey to Beating Diabetes Starts Now)
类别: promotion
战胜糖尿病的旅程现在开始 特别优惠! 咨询配套 @ RM208.60 (np: RM372.40) 糖尿病教育者 营养师咨询(4节) 监控配套 @ RM318.00 (np: RM478.10) 糖尿病教育者 营养师咨询(2 节)+ 1 [...]
肥胖与心血管疾病之间的联系 (The link between obesity and cardiovascular disease)
类别: news
资料来源:不飞溅 十年前,我们可能很少听说年轻人死于心脏病,但今天这似乎已成为一种常态。 这种情况越来越令人担忧,尤其是马来西亚统计局 2019 年报告称,从 2005 年到 2018 年,心血管疾病连续 14 [...]
挥舞刀的人 (The Ones Who Wield A Knife)
类别: news
网上流传着手术刀是外科医生的“情人”的说法,大肠外科医生顾问 Tan Kok Neang [...]
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia)
类别: award
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Sunway Medical Centre became the first private hospital in Malaysia to be awarded accreditation by The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) on the 14th of February 2019. The RCPA is a professional organisation dedicated to training [...]
The Silent Tormentor: Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia (The Silent Tormentor: Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia)
类别: news
Imagine a pain that is so unbearable that it can drive someone to consider ending their own life. Trigeminal Neuralgia, also known as the “suicide disease” or Tic douloureux, is a rare and agonising condition that can severely disrupt one’s life if left untreated. Despite its [...]
单身女性自杀因素与性别差异 (The single female suicide factor and gender differences)
类别: news
2018 年,66% 打给吉隆坡 Befrienders 的电话来自女性,其中 60% 是单身。 然而,双威医疗中心顾问精神科医生 Tee Bee Chin [...]
SunMed 套房 (The SunMed Suite)
类别: promotion
SunMed 套房 - 双威医药中心 7 层 C 座 进入一种体验医疗保健的新方式 - 专为与您所爱的人度过最宁静与世隔绝的时光而设计和建造。 SunMed [...]
解开腕管综合症 (The Unravelling Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
类别: news
有所作为的女性:双威医疗中心、双威城医院外的医疗保健专业人员 (The Women Who Make a Difference: Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City’s Healthcare Professionals Beyond the Hospital Walls)
类别: news
世界上为数不多的女性骨科肿瘤外科医生 (The World's Few Female Orthopaedic Oncology Surgeons)
类别: news
据估计,当今世界上大约只有 500 名骨肿瘤外科医生,而马来西亚大约有 10 [...]
这些马来西亚公司正在走上机器人之路 (These Malaysian companies are on the road to robotics)
类别: news
今年早些时候,首相拿督斯里伊斯梅尔萨布里雅科布宣布,马来西亚正在制定国家机器人路线图(NRR),以通过扩大机器人技术的使用来提高国家生产力。 Ismail Sabri [...]
这不是电话亭,而是“防病毒罩”。 (This is not a phone booth, it is a 'Cov-shield'.)
类别: news
双威中风中心提供及时和优质的护理 (Timely and Better Quality Care with Sunway Stroke Centre)
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Timely Interventions Increase Children with Congenital Heart Disease Survival Rate (Timely Interventions Increase Children with Congenital Heart Disease Survival Rate)
类别: news
The survival rate of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) has seen a dramatic increase in the past 50 years and they are more likely to survive into adulthood following surgery with timely interventions due to advancements in diagnostic techniques. Consultant paediatric [...]
全膝关节置换套餐 (Total Knee Replacement Package)
类别: promotion
迈向数字医疗的未来 (Towards a Future in Digital Healthcare)
类别: news
物理封锁、社交距离和口罩——2020 年将因 COVID-19 [...]
传统的辅助医学 (Traditional Complementary Medicine)
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Coming Soon
移植中心(肾脏、角膜、耳蜗、骨髓及干细胞) (Transplant Centre (Kidney, Cornea, Cochlea, Bone Marrow & Stem Cell))
类别: excellence
治疗儿童哮喘 (Treating Asthma in Children)
类别: news
哮喘是由于气道变窄而发生的,那里有炎症和粘液形式的粘液。哮喘是由不清洁和污染的环境以及接触香烟烟雾引起的。平均而言,马来西亚有 10% 的儿童患有哮喘,并且在 40% [...]
不手术治疗关节炎性膝关节退化 (Treatment of Arthritic Knee Degeneration Without Surgery)
类别: news