Better Precision, Effective Procedures via Robotic-Assisted Surgeries (Better Precision, Effective Procedures via Robotic-Assisted Surgeries)
类别: news
Robotic-assisted knee replacement surgeries are the latest technological advancement which allows for better precision and effective procedures for significantly improved patient outcomes. Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Arthroplasty, Robotic Surgeon at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway [...]
Beware of Mpox Risk During Year-End Holidays (Beware of Mpox Risk During Year-End Holidays)
类别: news
Malaysians are reminded to be mindful of health concerns, including Mpox, as the year-end holiday season approaches, a medical expert said. Sunway Medical Centre consultant emergency physician Dr Aaron Lai Kuo Huo pointed out that Mpox remained as a risk, with recent surges in cases underscoring [...]
Beyond End-Of-Life: Guiding Patients And Their Loved Ones Through Every Step Of The Health Care Journey (Beyond End-Of-Life: Guiding Patients And Their Loved Ones Through Every Step Of The Health Care Journey)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 – Palliative care is often misunderstood as care solely for those nearing the very end of life. However, in reality, it is so much more. Palliative care is also about enhancing the quality of life from the moment a serious diagnosis is given, not just in the final [...]
Beyond Forgetfulness: A Closer Look At Alzheimer’s Disease and The Path to Early Diagnosis (Beyond Forgetfulness: A Closer Look At Alzheimer’s Disease and The Path to Early Diagnosis)
类别: news
The journey of diagnosing and managing dementia is challenging for people with the disease, caregivers and health care professionals. In a world where medical advancements continue to push boundaries, it’s essential to shine a light on conditions that can drastically impact [...]
超越明天: 医疗保健技术的演变 (Beyond Tomorrow: The Evolution of Healthcare Technologies)
类别: news
医疗技术是一个不断发展的领域。第四次工业革命标志着更智能的医疗保健系统的到来,数字化转型正在发生,人工智能 (AI) [...]
Beyond X-Rays: How Modern Radiologists Are Revolutionizing Healthcare (Beyond X-Rays: How Modern Radiologists Are Revolutionizing Healthcare)
类别: news
When you think of a radiologist, you might picture someone sitting in a dark room looking at X-rays. However, Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Consultant Radiologist Dr Adam Pany Abdullah wants you to think again. Today’s radiologists are more like medical detectives, using an [...]
BFM 灰质 2019 (BFM Grey Matter 2019)
类别: community-happenings
点击这里注册 活动详情: 日期: 2019 年 7 月 27 日星期六 地点: Connexion @ The Vertical, 孟沙南 时间: 上午 10 点至下午 4 点(上午 9 [...]
部落格 (Blogpost)
类别: page
Blood An Essential Lifesaver of Patients with Blood Disorders, Cancer (Blood An Essential Lifesaver of Patients with Blood Disorders, Cancer)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, July 17 (Bernama) -- Blood donation is extremely crucial to sustain human life, especially for those who were born with hereditary blood disorders or have contracted blood cancers where their bone marrow is not able to reproduce healthy blood cells naturally for the body’s [...]
双威医疗集团捐血活动 (Blood Donation Drive by Sunway Healthcare Group)
类别: community-happenings
给予生命的礼物,有所作为;你的一滴血可能是某人的心跳。 6 月 13 日至 14 日@Sunway Geo Avenue 双威中医中心 在这里注册: https ://bit.ly/3N55e9Z 6 月 15 日至 16 日@吉隆坡 Sunway Medical Velocity 在这里注册:https [...]
夫妻血液筛查推广 (Blood Screening Promotion for Couples)
类别: promotion
骨关节中心 (Bone & Joint Centre)
类别: excellence
你骨折了吗? 关于骨折 (Bone Fractures: Types and Treatment)
类别: blogpost
成人骨骼由 206 块骨头组成。出生时,我们体内有 270 [...]
骨骼健康检查配套 (Bone Health Screening Package)
类别: promotion
增强骨骼强度 骨质疏松症的特点是骨骼脆弱,更容易折断。该筛查测试您骨骼的强壮程度和健康程度。 现在RM399(原价RM620) 包裹包括: 髋关节和脊柱的骨密度扫描(DEXA 扫描) 用于测量维生素 [...]
骨矿物质密度扫描 (Bone Mineral Density Scan)
类别: page
肉毒杆菌毒素 (Botulinum toxin)
类别: blogpost
什么是肉毒杆菌毒素? 肉毒杆菌毒素 (BTX) [...]
胸罩和乳房假体促销 2019 (Bra & Breast Prosthesis Promo 2019)
类别: promotion
近距离放射治疗 (Brachytherapy)
类别: page
近距离放射治疗是一种将放射性物质放入体内以治疗癌症的程序。与传统的外照射放疗 (EBRT) [...]
BRCA1 & BRCA 2 Genetic Screening Package (BRCA1 & BRCA 2 Genetic Screening Package)
类别: promotion
Changes in the BRCA gene can significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Our BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genetic Screening Package, available for just RM1,750, offers a thorough evaluation of your genetic profile, helping you better understand your cancer risk. Screening [...]
Breaking Misconceptions Of Palliative Care (Breaking Misconceptions Of Palliative Care)
类别: news
Although the acceptance of palliative care has grown in recent years, it is still underused, mostly due to misconceptions. Among the misconceptions of palliative care are that it is only for patients who are terminally ill, treatment ends when palliative care begins, and discussing [...]