治疗 (Treatments)
类别: page
Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It is a safe technique provided that practitioners are properly trained and follow appropriate techniques. Most patients find that the treatments are relaxing and cause minimal [...]
扳机指释放配套 (Trigger Finger Release Package)
类别: promotion
听力损失的程度 (Types of Hearing Loss and Treatments in Malaysia)
类别: blogpost
2019 年英国-马来西亚合作奖 (UK-Malaysia Partnership Award 2019)
类别: award
Understanding and Navigating Tumultuous Path of Brain Tumours In Children (Understanding and Navigating Tumultuous Path of Brain Tumours In Children)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 (Bernama) -- A child means the world to every parent but unfortunately, children, like everyone else, can face unexpected health challenges, one of them being the daunting and frightening diagnosis of brain tumour. This unwelcomed growth in a child’s brain can be an [...]
当心颤动不仅仅意味着爱 (Understanding Arrhythmia: Insights on Heart Rhythm Problems)
类别: blogpost
与儿科呼吸科专家 Noor Zehan 医生一起了解儿童哮喘 (Understanding Asthma in Children with Paediatric Respiratory Specialist, Dr Noor Zehan)
类别: blogpost
哮喘不仅仅是一种偶尔出现的呼吸问题。根据 2023 年全国健康和发病率调查,哮喘是一种影响儿童的常见慢性呼吸道疾病,近 50 万 6 至 17 [...]
了解血癌 (Understanding Blood Cancer)
类别: news
血癌会损害正常血细胞的功能,包括抵抗感染、防止过度出血和向全身输送氧气的能力。 根据 2020 年发布的《2012-2016 [...]
婴儿髋关节发育不良 (Understanding Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: Detection, Treatment, and Outcomes.)
类别: blogpost
DDH是一种球窝关节不能正常发育的情况。它可以发生在出生前或生命的最初几个月。髋关节(髋臼)的窝通常很浅,球(股骨头 - 大腿骨顶部)可能会松动或完全脱位,而不是紧贴窝(病情的严重程度会有所不同)。 每 1000 [...]
了解您的风险因素 (Understanding Heart Disease Risk Factors and How to Lower Them)
类别: blogpost
Understanding Hepatitis in Children (Understanding Hepatitis in Children)
类别: news
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by a variety of reasons, including infectious viruses as well as non-infectious agents, and children are not spared from contracting it. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of hepatitis but other infections, drugs, toxins [...]
了解圆锥角膜:它是什么以及如何治疗 (Understanding Keratoconus: What Is It and How to Treat It)
类别: blogpost
了解鼻咽癌 (NPC) (Understanding Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC))
类别: blogpost
Understanding Neurosurgery (Understanding Neurosurgery)
类别: news
When someone is faced with the possibility of brain surgery, the first emotion we tend to experience is instinctual unease. This is a natural reaction as our personalities, thoughts and other aspects that define us are inextricably linked to brain function. The thought of having our [...]
了解帕金森病 (Understanding Parkinson’s Disease)
类别: news
帕金森病在老年人中更为常见,影响约 1% 的 60 岁以上人群,并且发病率随着年龄的增长而显着上升。然而,大约 5% 到 10% 的帕金森病患者在 50 [...]
了解多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS):女性常见的激素紊乱 (Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Common Hormonal Disorder in Women)
类别: blogpost
您是否正在为月经不调、体重增加或毛发过度生长而苦恼?或者您是否正在为怀孕而苦恼? 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是育龄妇女常见的激素紊乱,影响马来西亚约 12.6% [...]
了解脊柱侧弯及其治疗方案 (Understanding Scoliosis and Its Treatment Options)
类别: news
皮肤癌 (Understanding Skin Cancer: Types, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies)
类别: blogpost
打鼾:不好玩,不绝望 (Understanding Snoring: Causes and Effective Solutions to Snoring)
类别: blogpost
当您想到 LASIK 时会想到什么? (Understanding the Benefits of ReLEx Smile: New Laser Vision Correction)
类别: blogpost
为什么这么贵? 是的。与购买一副眼镜或隐形眼镜相比,激光视力矫正 (LVC) [...]