愿景与使命 (Vision & Mission)
类别: page
老花眼治疗 (Vision Correction for Presbyopia)
类别: promotion
随着年龄增长,您的视力是否变差了? 如果您发现自己在近处或远处的视力下降,这可能是由于老花眼(rabun [...]
Vital for diabetics to keep eye on food portions, says doc (Vital for diabetics to keep eye on food portions, says doc)
类别: news
THE festive season may be a time for merriment and celebration but from experience, this is also when many diabetic patients end up in the emergency department, says a health specialist. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) consultant general physician and endocrinologist Dr Lim Chong [...]
预约面试 (Walk-In Interview)
类别: community-happenings
Don't miss out on your chance to join us - register here: https://bit.ly/3oRvfz4 Save the date and we look forward to see you at our Walk-In Interview Johor: Sunway Hotel Big Box 19 August 2022 | 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Melaka: Holiday Inn Hotel 20 August 2022 [...]
Weathering The Storm: How Malaysians Can Stay Safe During The Monsoon Season (Weathering The Storm: How Malaysians Can Stay Safe During The Monsoon Season)
类别: news
According to MET Malaysia, the monsoon season will continue until March 2024. The update also warns of thunderstorms, strong winds that could lead to flash floods, and potential structural and property damage. With the risk of increased flooding, several studies have found increased rates of [...]
终末期肾功能衰竭患者护理网络研讨会 (Webinar on Care for End-stage Renal Failure Patients)
类别: community-happenings
有机会赢取专业营养师咨询的折扣券。 在这里免费注册 欲了解更多信息,请致电:+603 7491 9191
图片周:2020 年 10 月 3 日至 9 日 - 本周在世界各地拍摄的精选新闻照片。 (Week in pictures: 3 - 9 October 2020 - A selection of powerful news photographs taken around the world this week.)
类别: news
欢迎来到马来西亚 (Welcome to Malaysia)
类别: page
Wellness Anniversary Promotion 30% 折扣 (Wellness Anniversary Promotion 30% Off)
类别: promotion
健康检查中心 (Wellness Centre)
类别: page
在 SunMed 的健康检查中心,不同专业的医疗专员和顾问团队在这里通过提供特定的筛查计划和个性化咨询来帮助您管理潜在的健康风险。 服务包括病史和临床检查、体重指数 [...]
健康流感疫苗 2020 (Wellness Flu Vaccine 2020)
类别: promotion
2024 年健康套餐 (Wellness Package 2024)
类别: page
健康检查 (Wellness Screening)
类别: page
血液检查概况 RM250 每个配套 全血细胞计数 肾脏概况 尿酸 空腹血糖 乙肝检查 肝功能检查 血脂状况 尿液FEME 健康检查医生提供咨询 经典 RM [...]
Westgard Sigma 验证 (Westgard Sigma Verification)
类别: award
双威医疗中心在马来西亚获得首个 Westgard Sigma 验证 双威医疗中心实验室成为马来西亚第一家获得 Westgard Sigma 验证的医疗机构。 Westgard Sigma [...]
心脏状况 (What Are the Types of Heart Disease?)
类别: blogpost
了解干眼症 (What Causes Dry Eye and Discovering Effective Remedies)
类别: blogpost
Covid-19 [...]
小儿白血病 (What Is Childhood Leukaemia?)
类别: blogpost
什么是儿童白血病? 白血病是一种影响身体造血组织的癌症,虽然它可以影响所有年龄段的人,但有些类型在儿童中更常见。在马来西亚,白血病更常见于 14 [...]
什么是流感及其预防 (What is influenza and its prevention)
类别: news
COVID-19 [...]
What Parents Should Know About Lactose Intolerance in Children (What Parents Should Know About Lactose Intolerance in Children)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR: Lactose intolerance is a common gastrointestinal condition caused by the inability to digest and absorb dietary lactose, says Sunway Medical Centre (SMC) Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology consultant Dr Ong Sik Yong. Lactose is the main carbohydrate in human breast milk as [...]
最新消息 (What's New)
类别: page