
胸罩和乳房假体促销 2019 (Bra & Breast Prosthesis Promo 2019)

类别: promotion


近距离放射治疗 (Brachytherapy)

类别: page

近距离放射治疗是一种将放射性物质放入体内以治疗癌症的程序。与传统的外照射放疗 (EBRT) [...]


BRCA1 & BRCA 2 Genetic Screening Package (BRCA1 & BRCA 2 Genetic Screening Package)

类别: promotion

Changes in the BRCA gene can significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Our BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genetic Screening Package, available for just RM1,750, offers a thorough evaluation of your genetic profile, helping you better understand your cancer risk. Screening [...]


Breaking Misconceptions Of Palliative Care (Breaking Misconceptions Of Palliative Care)

类别: news

Although the acceptance of palliative care has grown in recent years, it is still underused, mostly due to misconceptions.   Among the misconceptions of palliative care are that it is only for patients who are terminally ill, treatment ends when palliative care begins, and discussing [...]


Breaking The Sweet Barrier: Exploring Diabetes Causes And Symptoms Beyond Sugar (Breaking The Sweet Barrier: Exploring Diabetes Causes And Symptoms Beyond Sugar)

类别: news

Diabetes affects about 422 million people worldwide, with the majority living in low and middle-income countries, and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to this condition each year. Fortunately, advancements in the medical industry have significantly improved patient outcomes in [...]


Breaking This Injurious Cycle (Breaking This Injurious Cycle)

类别: news

When small motions lead to big problems: a guide to repetitive strain injury. Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a growing concern in Malaysia, as modern lifestyles increasingly involve long hours of repetitive movements, often linked to office work, factory jobs, or extensive use of mobile [...]


隆胸套餐 (Breast Augmentation Package)

类别: promotion

由训练有素且经验丰富的乳房手术专家记录的出色结果。 以最自然的方式选择让您快乐的事物。 隆胸套餐。 植入物类型: Mentor & Motiva RM27,000 - RM28,000 Polytech Mesmo RM22,000 - [...]


乳腺癌 (Breast Cancer)

类别: page

乳腺癌的现实 当乳房细胞不受控制地生长时,就会发生乳腺癌。“乳腺癌”是指由乳房细胞发展而来的有害肿瘤。它是马来西亚女性中最常见的癌症类型。马来西亚每年平均报告 4,000 例新病例,其中每 9 [...]


乳房健康的“乳房”专家:采访 SunMed 乳房和内分泌外科医生 Normayah Kitan 医生 (Breast Cancer Awareness Day: Meet Dr. Normayah Kitan, Breast and Endocrine Surgeon)

类别: blogpost

与乳腺癌宣传月相结合,我们将邀请一位在乳腺癌诊断和治疗中发挥关键作用的熟练专家 - 我们自己的乳腺癌和内分泌外科医生 Normayah Kitan [...]


乳腺癌是可以治愈的 (Breast Cancer is Curable)

类别: news

乳腺癌是一种异质性疾病,其预防仍然是全球女性面临的主要挑战之一。 它是女性最常见的癌症,也是女性癌症死亡的主要原因。 根据马来西亚国家癌症登记报告(2012-2016 年),该国每 27 [...]


乳腺癌在年轻人中呈上升趋势 (Breast Cancer On The Rise In Young People)

类别: news

卫生部透露,该国九分之一的女性可能患有癌症。在这些女性中,33.9% 患有乳腺癌,10.7% 患有结肠直肠癌,6.2% 患有宫颈癌。 双威医疗中心,双威市顾问临床肿瘤学家Aqilah Othman 医生说,随着越来越多的 40 [...]


乳癌防治 - 腋窝摸到肿块趁早治疗 (Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment - Feeling a Lump In The Armpit and Treating It Before It's Too Late)

类别: news



乳腺癌 - 你需要知道的 (Breast Cancer Risk Factors You May Not Be Aware Of)

类别: blogpost

乳腺癌是马来西亚女性最常见的癌症。据估计,每 19 名马来西亚女性中就有 1 名会在其一生中患上乳腺癌。然而,三个主要种族(马来人、华人和印度人)的发病率不同,每 16 名华人中有 1 人、17 名印度人中有 1 人、每 28 [...]


您的乳腺癌筛查基本指南:您需要知道的一切 (Breast Cancer Screening in Malaysia: Everything You Need to Know)

类别: blogpost

乳腺癌是马来西亚女性最常见的癌症,每19 名女性中就有 [...]


乳腺癌:女性的第一杀手 (Breast Cancer: The No.1 Killer in Women)

类别: news

与美国(美国)等西方国家相比,马来西亚接受乳房 X 光检查乳腺癌的女性人数仍然很低。马来西亚近 50% 的女性被诊断出患有第 4 期癌症,而美国则为 5%。一项研究发现,雪兰莪州只有 8% 至 14% 的女性曾经做过乳房 X [...]


乳房护理中心 (Breast Care Centre)

类别: excellence



Breastfeeding Boosts Baby’s Antibody Level and Prevents Disease (Breastfeeding Boosts Baby’s Antibody Level and Prevents Disease)

类别: news

It is indeed every parent’s dream to see their child grow to be healthy and strong, and for a newborn, breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to promote the baby’s health and development.  Before deciding on the type of milk to give their baby, parents, especially [...]


母乳喂养支援中心 (Breastfeeding Support Centre)

类别: page



连接东西方:与传统和补充医学医学主任兼顾问林医生一起喝咖啡 (Bridging East and West: Coffee Break with Dr Lim, Medical Director and Consultant for Traditional and Complementary Medicine)

类别: blogpost

传统中医 (TCM) 经常在医学界面临质疑和误解,许多人认为它不科学或与西医相比效果较差。双威医疗中心传统和补充医学医学主任兼顾问林仁杰医生 (Dr Lim Ren Jye) [...]


Bridging The Gap On Adult Immunisation Among Malaysians (Bridging The Gap On Adult Immunisation Among Malaysians)

类别: news

The immunisation coverage gap exposes Malaysians to potentially life-threatening illnesses, especially those that can be prevented with a vaccine. KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 — In Malaysia, while significant strides have been made in child vaccination campaigns, adult immunisation, especially [...]


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