年轻一代的癌症 (Cancer in the younger generation)
类别: news
癌症是 2018 年世界第二大死因,仅马来西亚一年就有 16,000 人死于该疾病。 2012-2016 年马来西亚国家癌症登记报告(MNCRR)显示,在此期间发现的新病例数量有所增加;115,238 例,而 2007-2011 年期间为 103,507 [...]
癌症不是结局:鲍伊和鼻咽癌 (Cancer is Not the Endgame: Bowie and Nasopharyngeal Cancer)
类别: blogpost
2017 年,鲍伊 首次在脖子上发现了许多小肿块。她以为自己发烧了,就开始喝凉茶,希望茶能让肿块消失。 茶不起作用,所以鲍伊咨询了医生。建议她进行活检,从她的鼻子中取出组织并检查是否有疾病。由于她的 CT [...]
Cancer Public Forum: Dr Wong Pak Kai shared tips to prevent cancer (Cancer Public Forum: Dr Wong Pak Kai Shared Tips to Prevent Cancer)
类别: news
Cancer normally will attack people who are not protected against it and it will eventually leave serious consequences if it is not detected in time. Consultant Colorectal Surgery, Dr Michael Wong Pak Kai in a public forum stated that among many cancers, colorectal cancer is extremely harmful and [...]
癌症筛查可以挽救生命 (Cancer screening saves lives)
类别: news
癌症是该国第二大死因,尽管许多人都知道这种疾病的危险,但仅凭恐惧和意识仍然无法在图表上降低它。 双威医疗中心顾问临床肿瘤学家 Aqilah Othman [...]
癌症通过插图 (Cancer Through Illustrations)
类别: news
老年癌症:挑战和障碍 (Cancer Treatment Challenges in the Elderly)
类别: blogpost
癌症类型 (Cancer Types)
类别: page
癌症 - 当你最不期待的时候 (Cancer – When You Least Expect It)
类别: news
“我曾经认为我会让癌细胞扩散并死亡。 28 岁的 Carson Lee* [...]
癌症:定时炸弹 (Cancer: A Time Bomb)
类别: news
癌症不是一种常见的疾病,但今天,各种癌症正在导致患者走向终结。这种情况受到低收入群体 (B40) 财务限制的影响,使他们只能在已经处于疾病的第 3 或第 4 [...]
心脏CT血管造影 (Cardiac CT Angiogram)
类别: promotion
心脏筛查 (Cardio Screening)
类别: page
心脏遗传组合测试 (Cardio-Genetic Panel Test)
类别: promotion
受伤牙齿的护理和治疗 (Care and Treatment for Injured Teeth)
类别: news
职业 (Career)
类别: page
Coming Soon
职业与赞助 (Career & Sponsorship)
类别: page
中风幸存者支持小组的照顾者 (Caregivers of Stroke Survivors Support Group)
类别: community-happenings
照顾中风幸存的亲人? [...]
给糖尿病护理人员的提示 (Caring for Diabetes Patients: Essential Tips for Supporting Loved Ones)
类别: blogpost
双手麻木 (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms, Causes and Treatments)
类别: blogpost
原因是什么?我中风了吗?我是不是心脏病发作了…… [...]
医疗卓越中心 (Centres of Excellence)
类别: page
马来西亚生产力和创新等级认证会员 (Certified Member of Malaysia Productivity and Innovation Class)
类别: award