COVID-19:应对情绪困扰 (COVID-19: Coping with emotional distress)
类别: news
恐惧症是一种焦虑症,其特征是对某些事物或情况的持续壮举和恐惧——但你听说过恐惧症吗?也称为对疾病的恐惧。 根据双威医疗中心的精神科顾问医生 Phang Cheng Kar 医生的说法,nosophobia [...]
COVID-19:吸烟者的风险更高 (COVID-19: Smokers Are At A Higher Risk)
类别: blogpost
COVID-19 [...]
CT冠状动脉造影推广 (CT Coronary Angiogram Promotion)
类别: promotion
CT 冠状动脉造影筛查 (CT Coronary Angiogram Screening)
类别: promotion
CT 冠状动脉造影筛查 (CT Coronary Angiogram Screening)
类别: promotion
CT Coronary Angiogram Screening The most sensitive non-invasive test for detecting Coronary Artery Disease, using ultra fast CT scanner to look at blood vessels that supply the heart muscle, or “coronary arteries”. Get tested now at RM2,305 (more than 27% [...]
治疗鼻窦炎 (Cure For Sinusitis)
类别: news
达芬奇手术系统 (da Vinci Surgical System)
类别: page
日常生活 - “Covid SHIELD” (Daily Life – “Covid SHIELD”)
类别: news
丹尼,我的尸体 (Danny, My Cadaver)
类别: blogpost
尸体。一具冰冷、毫无生气的尸体躺在冰冷坚硬的石板上。 我第一次见到我的尸体是在 1998 年 9 月,当时我还是 Manipal [...]
Datin Dr Wendy Lim Wan Dee (Datin Dr Wendy Lim Wan Dee)
类别: doctor
BMedSci (Nott), BMBS (Nott), CCST (UK) (Gastroenterology & Internal Medicine), AM (Mal), FRCP (Lon),FRCP (Edin)
Dato' Dr Chang Kian Meng (Dato' Dr Chang Kian Meng)
Dato' Dr Jegan A/L Thanabalan (Dato' Dr Jegan A/L Thanabalan)
Dato' Dr Mrs Kew Siang Tong (Hsu Yuan I) (Dato' Dr Mrs Kew Siang Tong (Hsu Yuan I))
类别: doctor
MBBS (S'pore), FAMM FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin), FRCP(Glasg), FRCPI, FACP (Hon), FRACP (Hon)
Dato' Dr Tikfu Gee (Dato' Dr Tikfu Gee)
类别: doctor
MBBS (India), MS Surgery (Malaya), AM (Mal), Fellowship in Metabolic, Bariatric & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery (France)
Dato' Dr Yap Yee Guan (Dato' Dr Yap Yee Guan)
类别: doctor
DIMP, BMedSci (Hons) (Nottm), MBBS (Nottm), MD (Lond), CCT (UK) (Cardiology & Int Medicine), Eur Cardiol (Europe), AM, FAMS (S’pore), FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Lond), FESC (Europe), FSCAI (USA), FAHA( USA), FACC (USA)