与我们一起交付您的 2021 年宝宝! (Deliver Your 2021 Baby with Us!)
类别: promotion
与我们一起交付您的 2021 年宝宝! 正常分娩和剖腹产都可以享受很大的折扣! 住院费用25% 折扣 每月赢取价值超过 RM9,000 的惊人奖品! 大奖 x 1 Dyson V11™ Fluffy 无绳吸尘器价值 RM2,899 二等奖 x 1 Dyson Pure Cool™ TP00 [...]
登革热疫苗接种 (Dengue Vaccination)
类别: promotion
保护您和您的亲人免受登革热的侵害 登革热疫苗现已在阳光医疗中心(Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway [...]
Dengue: Severe Symptoms Can Be Deadly (Dengue: Severe Symptoms Can Be Deadly)
类别: news
Early detection of dengue, a viral infection caused by the dengue virus (DENV), transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes, is vital to avoid complications that could be deadly. Emergency Physician at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City, Dr Aaron Lai Kuo Huo, said dengue patients [...]
牙科护理中心 (Dental Care Centre)
类别: excellence
洗牙和抛光促销套餐 (Dental Scaling & Polishing Promotion Package)
类别: promotion
洗牙和抛光 (Dental Scaling and Polishing)
类别: promotion
指定的综合肿瘤学和姑息治疗中心 (Designated Centre of Integrated Oncology & Palliative Care)
类别: award
2018-2021 年和 2022-2024 年获得欧洲肿瘤内科学会 (ESMO) 指定的综合肿瘤学和姑息治疗中心认证 双威医疗中心已获得著名的欧洲肿瘤内科学会 (ESMO) 的认可,成为 2018-2021 年 ESMO 指定的综合肿瘤学和姑息治疗中心,并在 2022-2024 [...]
检测青春期提前 (Detecting Early Puberty)
类别: news
Device usage surge prompts ENT specialist’s alert on rising NIHL concerns among children (Device Usage Surge Prompts ENT Specialist’s Alert on Rising NIHL Concerns Among Children)
类别: news
The increased use of personal digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and headphones among children and young adults globally is raising concerns about the risks of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Consultant Paediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) and ENT Specialist at Sunway Medical [...]
糖尿病和心脏病 (Diabetes and Heart Disease)
类别: blogpost
糖尿病护理中心 (Diabetes Care Centre)
类别: excellence
COVID-19 期间的糖尿病护理 (Diabetes Care During COVID-19)
类别: blogpost
自去年年底在中国首次记录以来,COVID-19 [...]
糖尿病管理不再循序渐进 生活药物双管齐下 速控血糖减器损 (Diabetes Management: Two-pronged Approach To Medication For Life, Rapid Glycemic Control And Reduction Of Organ Damage)
类别: news
糖尿病眼部筛查套餐 (Diabetic Eye Screening Package)
类别: promotion
“眼睛”看不到糖尿病 (Diabetic Retinopathy Stages: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Guide)
类别: blogpost
发达国家工作年龄人群失明的主要原因是糖尿病视网膜病变。这些统计数据可能无法反映亚洲人口的情况,然而,根据 2011 年全国健康和发病率调查,马来西亚的糖尿病发病率正以惊人的速度增长。这项研究还显示,30 [...]
马来西亚透析中心 (Dialysis Centre In Malaysia)
类别: page
你可知道? 您应该知道的 5 种无声癌症 (Did You Know? 5 Types of Silent Cancer You Should Know)
类别: blogpost
Diet but Not Losing Weight? (Diet but Not Losing Weight?)
类别: news
Women and the word diet are inseparable. After all, what woman doesn’t want to appear slim and look stunning with a toned waistline? However, dieting is not as easy as it sounds. Even after trying various types and methods of dieting, the needle on the scale still seems reluctant to [...]
营养学和营养服务 (Dietetics & Nutrition Services)
类别: excellence
我们的饮食以许多不同的方式影响着我们,从促进我们的生长到帮助预防疾病和更快地从疾病中恢复,我们选择吃什么和正确饮食的方式对我们的生活有很大的影响。 SunMed [...]
消化健康中心 (Digestive Health Centre)
类别: excellence