#HEALTH:应对热浪 (#HEALTH: Coping with A Heatwave)
类别: news
#HEALTH: When baby comes early (#HEALTH: When Baby Comes Early)
类别: news
WHEN a baby is born prematurely, it can have a substantial emotional impact on the entire family. Preterm labour can cause anxiety, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mother-baby bonding difficulty. Globally, according to the World Health Organisation, an estimated [...]
#HEALTH: World Breastfeeding Week - Giving Baby The Best (#HEALTH: World Breastfeeding Week - Giving Baby The Best)
类别: news
BREAST milk is uniquely adapted to an infant's nutrient needs and is safe, clean, healthy and accessible. While breastfeeding is a natural process, it often involves a learning curve. A recent study found that approximately 70.3 per cent of mothers encounter breastfeeding difficulties, [...]
#HEALTH:世界心脏日——无声心脏病发作 (#HEALTH: World Heart Day - Silent Heart Attacks)
类别: news
#健康医学:世界免疫周——为健康打预防针 (#HEALTH: World Immunisation Week - A Shot at Health)
类别: news
1,000 次机器人辅助手术和计数 (1,000 Robot-Assisted Surgeries and Counting)
类别: news
双威医疗中心在雪兰莪双威镇 SunMed 会议中心举行的活动中纪念了 1,000 例机器人辅助手术的实施。 这一里程碑式的成就归功于医院对最新智能医院技术的投资,以改善患者护理和精准医疗。 双威医疗中心于 2016 [...]
为期 1 天的团体训练:MINDFULGym (1-Day Group Training: MINDFULGym)
类别: community-happenings
马来西亚有史以来第一个结构化的减压和健康计划,结合了古老的正念智慧和认知行为疗法和积极心理学的最先进研究 MINDFULGym 专为马来西亚多民族社区量身定制,并得到 8 [...]
10 种常见的儿童疾病以及如何治疗它们 (10 Common Childhood Illnesses and How to Treat Them)
类别: blogpost
对抑郁症患者说的 10 件事无济于事 (10 Things Not to Say to Someone Who Is Depressed)
类别: blogpost
癌症情绪护理的 10 个技巧 (10 Tips for the Emotional Care of Those Battling Cancer)
类别: blogpost
鼓励抑郁症患者寻求帮助的 10 种方法 (10 Ways To Encourage A Person With Depression To Seek Help)
类别: blogpost
善待抑郁症患者的 12 种方法 (12 Ways To Be Kind To People With Depression)
类别: blogpost
抑郁症是世界范围内的一种常见疾病,有超过 3 亿人受到影响。在马来西亚,抑郁症的患病率估计在 8% 到 12% [...]
APFCP第十七届大会:2019年机器人与先进结直肠外科研讨会 (17th Congress of APFCP: Robotic & Advanced Surgical Colorectal Workshop 2019)
类别: community-happenings
CPD 积分奖励 + [...]
关于人类心脏的 20 个有趣的事实…… (20 Interesting Facts About the Human Heart)
类别: blogpost
人的心脏大约有一个大拳头那么大。 心脏重 9 到 12 盎司(250 到 350 克)。 心脏每天跳动约 100,000 次(一生约 30 亿次)。 成年人的心脏每分钟跳动约 60 至 80 次。 新生儿的心跳比成人的心跳快,大约每分钟 70 -190 [...]
2021 年度马来西亚智能医院公司 (2021 Malaysia Smart Hospital Company of the Year)
类别: award
2023 年亚太史蒂夫奖:史蒂夫销售和创收创新银奖 (2023 Asia Pacific Stevie Awards: Silver Stevie Winner in Innovation in Sales and Revenue Generation)
类别: award
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City has been honored with the Silver Stevie® Award in the "Innovative Achievement in Sales or Revenue Generation" category at the prestigious Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards 2023. This accolade underscores the organization’s commitment to driving [...]
25周年健康检查优惠 (25th Anniversary Health Screening Promo)
类别: promotion
独家优惠!25周年健康检查促销 把握您的健康,享受我们最新的健康检查配套。 限时优惠,立即享受 25% [...]
本周最有影响力的 28 张照片 (28 Of The Most Powerful Photos Of This Week)
类别: news
女人的心脏 (3 Common Heart Diseases in Women)
类别: blogpost
3天2夜健康度假套餐 (3 Days 2 Nights Healthcation Package)
类别: page