
Dr Nik Asmah binti Nik Hussain (Dr Nik Asmah Binti Nik Hussain)

Dr Nik Asmah Binti Nik Hussain

类别: doctor

MBBCh, BAO Hons (Ire), MRCP (UK)


Dr Nik Muhd Aslan bin Abdullah (Dr Nik Muhd Aslan Bin Abdullah)

Dr Nik Muhd Aslan Bin Abdullah

类别: doctor



Dr Noor Zehan Binti Abdul Rahim (Dr Noor Zehan Binti Abdul Rahim)

Dr Noor Zehan Binti Abdul Rahim

类别: doctor

MD (UPM), MMed Paediatric (UKM), Paediatric Respiratory Fellowship (Mal & CESR - UK), FRCPCH (UK)


Dr Nor Afida Hasnita binti Shuib (Dr Nor Afida Hasnita Binti Shuib)

Dr Nor Afida Hasnita Binti Shuib

类别: doctor

MBChB(Dundee), MMED. RAD (UKM)  


Dr Norazlin binti Kamal Nor (Dr Norazlin Binti Kamal Nor)

Dr Norazlin Binti Kamal Nor

类别: doctor

PhD (Johns Hopkins, US), MRCPCH (London, UK), MBBS (London,UK), BSc (London, UK)


Dr Norli Marwyne binti Mohammed Noor (Dr Norli Marwyne Binti Mohammed Noor)

Dr Norli Marwyne Binti Mohammed Noor

类别: doctor

M.B.B.S. (India) MMed (Internal Medicine) UKM Adv Masters Dermatology (UKM)


Dr Norzila binti Mohamed Zainudin (Dr Norzila Binti Mohamed Zainudin)

Dr Norzila Binti Mohamed Zainudin

类别: doctor

MD(UKM), MMED Paediatrics (UKM)


Dr Nur Elayni binti Borhan (Dr Nur Elayni Binti Borhan)

Dr Nur Elayni Binti Borhan

类别: doctor

MB BCh BAO (Ireland), M.Med EM (UM), Fellowship of Critical Care and Emergency Ultrasound (UiTM)


Dr Nurismah Binti Md Isa (Dr Nurismah Binti Md Isa)

Dr Nurismah Binti Md Isa

类别: doctor

MBBCh., BAO, LRCPI & SI (Ireland), MPath (UKM)


Dr Ong Shong Meng (Dr Ong Shong Meng)

Dr Ong Shong Meng

类别: doctor

MBChB (Glasgow), DM (Leicester), FRCS Glas, FRCS Glas (T&O)


Dr Ong Sik Yong (Dr Ong Sik Yong)

Dr Ong Sik Yong

类别: doctor

Medical Doctor (USM), Membership of the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health (MRCPCH), Master of Paediatrics (MMED, University Malaya), Fellowship in Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Hepatology and Nutririon (MOH, Birmingham Children Hospital, UK)


Dr Ooi Ee Thiam (Dr Ooi Ee Thiam)

Dr Ooi Ee Thiam

类别: doctor

MBBS (Malaya), MRCP (UK)


Dr Patrick Tiau Wei Jyung (Dr Patrick Tiau Wei Jyung)

Dr Patrick Tiau Wei Jyung

类别: doctor

MBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), NHAM (MAL), Certificate Advance Studies in Heart Failure (CASHF-UZH Switzerland), FAPSIC (ASIA-PACIFIC) EAPCI (ESC), HFA (ESC)


Dr Paul Lim Vey Hong (Dr Paul Lim Vey Hong)

Dr Paul Lim Vey Hong

类别: doctor

MB ChB, FRCS (Surgery), FRCS (England), FRCS (Edinburgh)


Dr Peh Khaik Kee (Dr Peh Khaik Kee)

Dr Peh Khaik Kee

类别: doctor

MB ChB (Aberdeen, UK), FRCOpth (UK), CCT (UK), Medical Retina Fellowship (UK) , Surgical Retina Fellowships ( Perth, Western Australia & Oxford, UK)


Dr Phang Cheng Kar (Dr Phang Cheng Kar)

Dr Phang Cheng Kar

类别: doctor

BSc (UPM), MD (UPM), MMedPsych (UKM)


Dr Philip Poi Jun Hua (Dr Philip Poi Jun Hua)

Dr Philip Poi Jun Hua

类别: doctor

LRCP & S, MB, Ch, BAO, MRCP (Ireland)


Dr Poh Keat Seong (Dr Poh Keat Seong)

Dr Poh Keat Seong

类别: doctor

BSc (MedSci) Hons, MD (UPM), MRCSEd (UK), MS (UKM), FACS (USA), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (Malaysia & USA)


Dr Poongkodi A/P S Nagappan (Dr Poongkodi A/P S Nagappan)

Dr Poongkodi A/P S Nagappan

类别: doctor

MBBS (University of Malaya), MS (General Surgery) (UKM), FRCS (Urol) (Glasg)


Dr Pradesh Kumar A/L Kutty Krishnan (Dr Pradesh Kumar A/L Kutty Krishnan)

Dr Pradesh Kumar A/L Kutty Krishnan

类别: doctor

MB ChB (Dundee), MRCS (Glasg) FRCR (UK), CCT (UK)


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