肌电图(EMG) (Electromyography (EMG))
类别: page
肌电图 (EMG) 是一种诊断测试,用于记录肌肉在静止和活动时的电活动。运动神经元向肌肉传递电脉冲,指示它们收缩或放松。活动肌肉会产生与肌肉活动水平成比例的电流。EMG [...]
Elevating Benchmarks to Enhance Malaysia’s Healthcare Ecosystem (Elevating Benchmarks to Enhance Malaysia’s Healthcare Ecosystem)
类别: news
Malaysia, aspiring to be the main cancer treatment hub in Asia, sets out to provide excellent cancer care services with advanced cancer screening innovations. KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - 25 May 2023 - Cancer is a leading cause of death globally. Nevertheless, early identification of the [...]
Endoscopy Helps Examine Abdominal Pain, Identify Conditions in Children (Endoscopy Helps Examine Abdominal Pain, Identify Conditions in Children)
类别: news
PETALING JAYA - Endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure that allows a doctor to visually examine the inside of the body with an endoscope - a long, thin and flexible tube with a camera and light. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City consultant paediatrician Dr Nazrul [...]
内窥镜检查套餐 (Endoscopy Package)
类别: promotion
胃癌和结直肠癌的早期检测可以显著改善治疗效果,挽救您的生命。 我们专业的内窥镜筛查套餐旨在在问题变得严重之前识别潜在问题,确保及时有效的治疗。 趁此机会享受我们限时促销的内窥镜套餐优惠! 胃镜检查 [...]
儿童癫痫:你需要知道的 (Epilepsy In Kids: What You Need To Know)
类别: news
每年 3 月 26 日,自豪地穿上紫色服装,帮助传播对癫痫的认识! 癫痫症并不是什么新鲜事物。事实上,它可以追溯到公元前 2000 年,但直到 18 世纪和 19 [...]
呵护您的眼睛 (Essential Eye Care Tips for Optimal Eye Health)
类别: blogpost
夜间门诊现已开诊 (Evening Clinics Now Available)
类别: promotion
社区活动 (Events)
类别: page
身体的每个部位都有患癌症的风险 (Every part of the body is at risk of cancer)
类别: news
最近,涉及年轻患者的癌症病例比老年人多,马来西亚国家癌症登记报告 2012-2016 (MNCRR) 显示,许多 30 [...]
独家眼科检查套餐 (Exclusive Eye Examination Package)
类别: promotion
心脏健康的运动技巧 (Exercise Tips for a Healthy Heart)
类别: blogpost
扩张计划 (Expansion Plans)
类别: page
准妈妈因新冠病毒感染而面临并发症风险 (Expectant Mothers Risk Complications from Covid Infection)
类别: news
双威医疗中心妇产科顾问医生 Janani Sivanathan 医生说,如果孕妇感染 Covid-19,她们会在分娩前和分娩期间面临风险和并发症。 据报道,今年马来西亚有 70 名孕妇死于 Covid-19 并发症,而去年此类病例为零。 大约 47% [...]
提升您的康复体验,享受双威独家提供的机器人关节手术患者上门物理治疗服务 (Expert In-Home Physiotherapy Services for Robotic Joint Surgery Patients)
类别: promotion
欢迎来到双威医疗中心,您在个性化家庭物理治疗服务方面值得信赖的合作伙伴。 [...]
体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL) (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL))
类别: page
当尿液中存在的盐分和矿物质结合形成留在肾脏中的小“卵石”时,就会产生肾结石。结石在进入输尿管(连接肾脏和膀胱的细管)时会引起剧烈疼痛,并在排尿时离开身体。 体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL) [...]
眼科中心 (Eye Centre)
类别: excellence
激光视力矫正 良好的视力是我们所有人都想要的——我们的日常活动、冒险旅行、工作等等。有些人天生就有,而有些人则有屈光不正,例如近视、远视和散光。 阅读更多 SunMed [...]
Fatty liver disease on the rise in Malaysia (Fatty Liver Disease on The Rise in Malaysia)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR - Early detection of liver diseases is among the challenges faced by doctors in diagnosing and treating liver diseases in Malaysia. Consultant gastroenterologist and hepatologist at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Dr Chung Yun Chien said this was because many patients have few [...]
脂肪肝筛查套餐 (Fatty Liver Screening Package)
类别: promotion
高热惊厥 (Febrile Convulsions: The Connection Between Fever and Febrile Fit in Children)
类别: blogpost
什么是高热惊厥? 高热惊厥是发热儿童发生的痉挛或癫痫发作。这种情况发生在六个月至六岁的正常儿童身上。这是一种相当常见的情况,影响易感年龄组中约 4% 或 25 [...]
生育中心 (Fertility Centre)
类别: excellence