教材 (Educational Materials)
类别: page
儿童哮喘 (Effective Childhood Asthma Management: Tips and Strategies for Parents)
类别: blogpost
亚洲人患糖尿病的风险更高 (Effective Diabetes Management and Care in Malaysia)
类别: blogpost
水蒸气疗法: 良性前列腺增生症治疗 (Effective Prostate Enlargement Treatment with Water Vapour Therapy)
类别: promotion
懒惰的眼睛(弱视) - 那是什么? (Effective Treatment for Lazy Eyes (Amblyopia) in Children)
类别: blogpost
成人严重听力损失的影响 (Effects of Severe Hearing Loss in Adults)
类别: blogpost
心电图 (ECG) (Electrocardiography (ECG))
类别: page
心电图 (ECG) [...]
脑电图 (EEG) (Electroencephalography (EEG))
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脑电图 (EEG) [...]
肌电图(EMG) (Electromyography (EMG))
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肌电图 (EMG) 是一种诊断测试,用于记录肌肉在静止和活动时的电活动。运动神经元向肌肉传递电脉冲,指示它们收缩或放松。活动肌肉会产生与肌肉活动水平成比例的电流。EMG [...]
Elevating Benchmarks to Enhance Malaysia’s Healthcare Ecosystem (Elevating Benchmarks to Enhance Malaysia’s Healthcare Ecosystem)
类别: news
Malaysia, aspiring to be the main cancer treatment hub in Asia, sets out to provide excellent cancer care services with advanced cancer screening innovations. KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - 25 May 2023 - Cancer is a leading cause of death globally. Nevertheless, early identification of the [...]
Endoscopy Helps Examine Abdominal Pain, Identify Conditions in Children (Endoscopy Helps Examine Abdominal Pain, Identify Conditions in Children)
类别: news
PETALING JAYA - Endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure that allows a doctor to visually examine the inside of the body with an endoscope - a long, thin and flexible tube with a camera and light. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City consultant paediatrician Dr Nazrul [...]
内窥镜检查套餐 (Endoscopy Package)
类别: promotion
胃癌和结直肠癌的早期检测可以显著改善治疗效果,挽救您的生命。 我们专业的内窥镜筛查套餐旨在在问题变得严重之前识别潜在问题,确保及时有效的治疗。 趁此机会享受我们限时促销的内窥镜套餐优惠! 胃镜检查 [...]
儿童癫痫:你需要知道的 (Epilepsy In Kids: What You Need To Know)
类别: news
每年 3 月 26 日,自豪地穿上紫色服装,帮助传播对癫痫的认识! 癫痫症并不是什么新鲜事物。事实上,它可以追溯到公元前 2000 年,但直到 18 世纪和 19 [...]
呵护您的眼睛 (Essential Eye Care Tips for Optimal Eye Health)
类别: blogpost
夜间门诊现已开诊 (Evening Clinics Now Available)
类别: promotion
社区活动 (Events)
类别: page
身体的每个部位都有患癌症的风险 (Every part of the body is at risk of cancer)
类别: news
最近,涉及年轻患者的癌症病例比老年人多,马来西亚国家癌症登记报告 2012-2016 (MNCRR) 显示,许多 30 [...]
独家眼科检查套餐 (Exclusive Eye Examination Package)
类别: promotion
心脏健康的运动技巧 (Exercise Tips for a Healthy Heart)
类别: blogpost
扩张计划 (Expansion Plans)
类别: page