提升您的康复体验,享受双威独家提供的机器人关节手术患者上门物理治疗服务 (Expert In-Home Physiotherapy Services for Robotic Joint Surgery Patients)
类别: promotion
欢迎来到双威医疗中心,您在个性化家庭物理治疗服务方面值得信赖的合作伙伴。 [...]
体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL) (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL))
类别: page
当尿液中存在的盐分和矿物质结合形成留在肾脏中的小“卵石”时,就会产生肾结石。结石在进入输尿管(连接肾脏和膀胱的细管)时会引起剧烈疼痛,并在排尿时离开身体。 体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL) [...]
眼科中心 (Eye Centre)
类别: excellence
激光视力矫正 良好的视力是我们所有人都想要的——我们的日常活动、冒险旅行、工作等等。有些人天生就有,而有些人则有屈光不正,例如近视、远视和散光。 阅读更多 SunMed [...]
Fatty liver disease on the rise in Malaysia (Fatty Liver Disease on The Rise in Malaysia)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR - Early detection of liver diseases is among the challenges faced by doctors in diagnosing and treating liver diseases in Malaysia. Consultant gastroenterologist and hepatologist at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Dr Chung Yun Chien said this was because many patients have few [...]
脂肪肝筛查套餐 (Fatty Liver Screening Package)
类别: promotion
高热惊厥 (Febrile Convulsions: The Connection Between Fever and Febrile Fit in Children)
类别: blogpost
什么是高热惊厥? 高热惊厥是发热儿童发生的痉挛或癫痫发作。这种情况发生在六个月至六岁的正常儿童身上。这是一种相当常见的情况,影响易感年龄组中约 4% 或 25 [...]
生育中心 (Fertility Centre)
类别: excellence
癌症女性的生育希望 (Fertility Hope For Women With Cancer)
类别: news
每 19 个马来西亚人中就有一个会在其一生中被诊断出患有乳腺癌。这些女性中有 15% 年龄在 40 岁以下。通常通过定期乳房自我检查进行早期发现至关重要,因为当癌症处于局部阶段时,五年相对存活率为 [...]
生育公共论坛 (Fertility Public Forum)
类别: community-happenings
类别: news
双威医疗中心荣获著名的 2019 年第 27 届 FIABCI 马来西亚房地产奖的专用建造类别。 马来西亚房地产奖™ 晚宴和颁奖典礼最近于 2019 年 11 月 2 日在 One World Hotel [...]
Fight Against TB Demands Comprehensive, Multi-faceted Approach - Expert (Fight Against TB Demands Comprehensive, Multi-faceted Approach - Expert)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR: The fight against tuberculosis (TB) in Malaysia demands a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach, with a focus on advanced diagnostics, adherence to treatment, and preventive measures. Dr Rosmadi Ismail, Consultant Interventional Pulmonologist and Internal Medicine at Sunway Medical [...]
#SunMedHerStories 女性与癌症 - 你应该知道的 (Fighting Women Cancer: Prevention, Detection, and Support)
类别: blogpost
它如何影响女性以及您可以做些什么 在这个现代时代,女性比以往任何时候都面临更大的社会压力,要过上完整而充实的生活。2019 年,女性占马来西亚劳动力的 [...]
搜寻医生 (Find a Doctor)
类别: page
闪光速度双源 CT 扫描仪 (Flash Speed Dual Source CT Scanner)
类别: page
CT代表计算机断层扫描。超快多探测器低剂量 CT 扫描用于研究和诊断身体几乎每个部位的状况,包括骨骼、肌肉、脂肪、器官和血管。 CT 扫描使用 X 射线和计算机构建一系列横截面扫描以形成 2D 和 3D [...]
食物神话与事实 (Food Myths vs Facts)
类别: blogpost
足踝中心 (Foot & Ankle Centre)
类别: excellence
双威医疗中心的足踝中心是专门提供足病和手足病服务的方法。 [...]
Fourier Intelligence, Sunway Medical Centre Bring First TRoom to Southeast Asia (Fourier Intelligence, Sunway Medical Centre Bring First TRoom to Southeast Asia)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, June 16 (Bernama) -- Sunway Medical Centre (SMC) together with Fourier Intelligence recently installed the first Southeast Asia's 'TRoom' at SMC Sunway City’s Tower D, to further diversify its healthcare service with modern facilities. The TRoom is [...]
Fracture Liaison Service Programme (Fracture Liaison Service Programme)
类别: promotion
免费血液筛查 (Free Blood Screening)
类别: community-happenings
In conjunctive of Sunway Medical Centre's 25th-anniversary celebration, we will be giving away 1000 FREE health check-ups worth RM 200 each to Sarawakians & Sabahans who are 50 years and older. Screening includes 筛查包含: Free Blood Test [...]
免费 Lasik 筛查 (Free Lasik Screening)
类别: promotion