老年筛查套餐 (Geriatric Screening Package)
类别: promotion
Get Healthy Again with A Kidney Transplan (Get Healthy Again with A Kidney Transplant)
类别: news
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming an increasingly worrying issue. According to a sharing from the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), local study statistics show that one in seven (15.48%) adults in the country suffers from chronic kidney disease. The latest statistics from the Malaysian [...]
Get Hepatitis Diagnosed and Treated Fast before it Ruins your Liver (Get Hepatitis Diagnosed and Treated Fast Before It Ruins Your Liver)
类别: news
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a variety of infectious viruses and non-infectious agents. It can lead to a range of health problems, including chronic liver disease and severe complications like liver failure. There are five types of viral hepatitis: hepatitis A, B, C, D [...]
到达这里和停车 (Getting Here & Parking)
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2016 年马来西亚年度 GHT 医院奖 (GHT Hospital of the Year Malaysia Award 2016)
类别: award
双威集团医疗服务董事总经理刘明龙在曼谷举行的 GHT 颁奖典礼上从全球健康与旅游出版(印度业务)合作伙伴 Hiten Sethi 手中获得马来西亚年度医院奖。 提供超越客户期望的专业、创新的优质服务是双威医疗中心 [...]
给贫困儿童的欢乐礼物 (Gifts of Joy For Underprivileged Kids)
类别: news
雪兰莪州双威市双威医疗中心的 Sunbeams 基金会之家的孩子们收到了 80 多份礼物。 为了营造节日气氛,医院在 C [...]
给予 (Giving)
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Coming Soon
青光眼筛查套餐 (Glaucoma Screening Package)
类别: promotion
不要被这个沉默的视线小偷蒙蔽了双眼! 青光眼筛查配套只需 RM350 (np:RM425) 套餐包括: 外观检查 视野测试 前后眼检查 眼压测试 3D 视神经成像 医生咨询 有效期至 2023 年 4 月 28 日 今天就预约吧!致电+603 7491 6466
青光眼筛查套餐 (Glaucoma Screening Package)
类别: promotion
Global Gold Seal for Petaling Jaya Hospital (Global Gold Seal for Petaling Jaya Hospital)
类别: news
JCI Asia-Pacific international manager Nick Liew (second from right) handing over the JCI accreditation to Lau at Sunway Medical Centre. Looking on are (from left) SHG hospital and healthcare operations managing director Dr Khoo Chow Huat, Dr Muhammad Radzi, Sunway Group chairman and founder Tan [...]
全球健康奖 (Global Health Awards)
类别: award
葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 (G6PD) 缺乏症 (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency)
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黄金健康,黄金奖励 (Golden Health, Golden Rewards)
类别: promotion
黄金健康,黄金奖励 随着年龄增长,定期进行健康筛查对保持整体健康与福祉至关重要。及早发现可以有效预防潜在健康问题恶化为严重疾病。 如果您是 Cherish Club [...]
再见扭伤和拉伤 (Goodbye Sprains and Strains)
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Participate in our Sik-family episode contest to WIN A PAIR of BUFFET VOUCHERS & 2D1N STAY at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa today! Click here to find out how: https://www.facebook.com/SunwayMedical/posts/10155825176270566 Sunway Medical Centre presents to you the Sik Family. The Sik [...]
成长之星计划 (Growing Star Programme)
类别: promotion
面向 3 至 19 岁儿童和青少年的实用技能疗法,以鼓励他们更健康、更充分地参与家庭和学校活动。
成长之星计划 - 让您的孩子保持健康 (Growing Star Programme - Keep Your Child Fit)
类别: promotion
适合 5 至 12 岁儿童的运动疗法,通过学习更加活跃和训练以增强身体素质来改善健康状况。
2016 年医院服务成长卓越领导奖 (Growth Excellence Leadership Award in Hospital Services 2016)
类别: award
左起:SunMed 业务发展与企业传讯总监 Nadiah Wan 和双威集团医疗保健服务董事总经理 Lau Beng Long 从 Frost & Sullivan Transfromation Health 合伙人兼高级副总裁 Rhenu Buller 手中接过奖项。SunMed 也出席了会议:财务总监 Winnie [...]
妇科癌症:达芬奇手术系统更精准 (Gynaecological Cancers: da Vinci Surgical System for Greater Precision)
类别: news
妇科疾病:机器人手术的优势 (Gynaecological Conditions: Advantages of Robotic Surgery)
类别: news
机器人辅助手术现已广泛应用于妇科疾病的治疗,已成为患者的首选治疗选择,提供了更安全有效的手术方式,切口小,减少失血和术后疼痛,加速恢复。 双威市双威医疗中心妇科顾问、妇科肿瘤科和机器人外科医生 [...]
妇科 (Gynaecology)
类别: page
TCM Gynaecology has become one of the primary clinical specialties especially among Asian countries. It has significant advantages in treating gynaecological disorders as it is an ancient healing system that has proven to be effective and safe with virtually no adverse side effects. Scope [...]