Health Carnival Kicks Off Centre’s Silver Jubilee Do (Health Carnival Kicks Off Centre’s Silver Jubilee Do)
类别: news
SUNWAY Medical Centre (SMC) in Sunway City, Petaling Jaya in Selangor, began its 25th anniversary celebration with its annual SunMed Health Carnival. Bringing community members together to broaden healthcare education and awareness, the carnival was held at the lobby of Tower D. The event [...]
健康枢纽 (Health Hub)
类别: page
Coming Soon
卫生部:如果没有缓解措施,马来西亚每天将看到近 5,000 例新的 Covid-19 病例,目前的峰值可能超过 1,000 例 (Health Ministry: Malaysia would’ve seen nearly 5,000 new Covid-19 cases daily without mitigation, likely peak now over 1,000 with current rate)
类别: news
健康检查配套 (Health Packages)
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健康检查配套 (Health Screening Package)
类别: promotion
亚洲医疗健康奖 (Healthcare Asia Awards)
类别: award
2022 年亚洲医疗保健奖 - 年度医院 - 马来西亚和年度智能医院 - 马来西亚 (Healthcare Asia Awards 2022 - Hospital of the Year - Malaysia & Smart Hospital of the Year - Malaysia)
类别: award
2022 年亚洲医疗保健奖 双威城双威医疗中心荣获两项大奖 - 年度医院奖和年度智能医院倡议奖。该医院因在大流行期间对患者产生显着影响而获奖。
Healthcare Asia Awards 2023 Recognises Top Industry Players (Healthcare Asia Awards 2023 Recognises Top Industry Players)
类别: news
Healthcare providers need to constantly innovate and reinvent, especially now as the world begins recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. The past years have proven the industry's resilience as well as its capability to better serve patients and protect employees despite challenges. The [...]
2023 年亚洲医疗保健大奖:马来西亚年度医院 (Healthcare Asia Awards 2023: Hospital of the Year - Malaysia)
类别: award
2023 年亚洲医疗保健大奖:马来西亚年度医院
2024 年亚洲医疗保健奖:年度健康促进计划 (Healthcare Asia Awards 2024: Health Promotion Initiative of the Year)
类别: award
年度健康促进倡议 亚洲医疗保健奖旨在表彰亚洲各地的杰出医院,这些医院为医疗保健行业的卓越表现树立了新的基准。 双威城双威医疗中心因其在促进马来西亚医疗保健方面的杰出 360° [...]
2024 年亚洲医疗保健奖:年度最佳医院 - 马来西亚 (Healthcare Asia Awards 2024: Hospital of the Year (Malaysia))
类别: award
年度最佳医院(马来西亚) 亚洲医疗保健奖旨在表彰亚洲地区的杰出医院,这些医院重新定义了医疗保健行业的卓越表现。 [...]
2018年度医疗保健企业社会责任公司 (Healthcare CSR Company of the Year 2018)
类别: award
Healthcare Education Made Fun (Healthcare Education Made Fun)
类别: news
SUNWAY Medical Centre will be organising its SunMed Health Carnival to educate the public about healthcare, through various fun activities. The second edition of the carnival is set for Sept 8, 10am to 4pm, at Tower D lobby of Sunway Medical Centre in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. There will be [...]
医疗单位 (Healthcare Unit)
类别: page
给 COVID-19 患者的健康饮食小贴士,让他们在禁食时保持精力充沛 (Healthy Eating Tips for COVID-19 Patients To Keep Up Their Energy While Fasting)
类别: news
4 月,穆斯林将在整个斋月斋月中进行斋戒,对于那些感染 COVID-19 的人来说,履行伊斯兰教第三支柱的职责肯定会有些挑战。 在这方面,双威市双威医疗中心的营养师 Ooi Jee Cheng 建议新康复的 COVID-19 [...]
Hearing Aid Promotion 2024 (Hearing Aid Promotion 2024)
类别: promotion
Hear that? Amazing discounts await you on our hearing aids! Enhance your hearing experience and save big with our exclusive offers on top-quality hearing aids! We offer a wide range of hearing aids from basic to premium technology levels from renowned brands like Phonak and [...]
耳鸣 (Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Symptoms, Causes and Treatments)
类别: blogpost
心脏与中风套餐促销 (Heart & Stroke Package Promo)
类别: promotion
心律失常令人担忧 (Heart Arrhythmia is Cause for Concern)
类别: news
心律失常可能感觉像是在跳动或跳动的心脏,这可能是无害的。 然而,双威医学中心心脏病专家和心脏电生理学家 How Ann Kee 医生说,心律失常也可能是心脏问题的征兆或对您的健康构成直接威胁 。 根据 How [...]
心脏病发作和中风:有什么区别? (Heart Attack and Stroke: What's The Difference?)
类别: news
心脏病发作是马来西亚的主要死因,2020 年记录了 18,515 例病例,但应注意另一种危险的发作,即中风,记录了 9,093 [...]