医疗单位 (Healthcare Unit)
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给 COVID-19 患者的健康饮食小贴士,让他们在禁食时保持精力充沛 (Healthy Eating Tips for COVID-19 Patients To Keep Up Their Energy While Fasting)
类别: news
4 月,穆斯林将在整个斋月斋月中进行斋戒,对于那些感染 COVID-19 的人来说,履行伊斯兰教第三支柱的职责肯定会有些挑战。 在这方面,双威市双威医疗中心的营养师 Ooi Jee Cheng 建议新康复的 COVID-19 [...]
Hearing Aid Promotion 2024 (Hearing Aid Promotion 2024)
类别: promotion
Hear that? Amazing discounts await you on our hearing aids! Enhance your hearing experience and save big with our exclusive offers on top-quality hearing aids! We offer a wide range of hearing aids from basic to premium technology levels from renowned brands like Phonak and [...]
耳鸣 (Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Symptoms, Causes and Treatments)
类别: blogpost
心脏与中风套餐促销 (Heart & Stroke Package Promo)
类别: promotion
心律失常令人担忧 (Heart Arrhythmia is Cause for Concern)
类别: news
心律失常可能感觉像是在跳动或跳动的心脏,这可能是无害的。 然而,双威医学中心心脏病专家和心脏电生理学家 How Ann Kee 医生说,心律失常也可能是心脏问题的征兆或对您的健康构成直接威胁 。 根据 How [...]
心脏病发作和中风:有什么区别? (Heart Attack and Stroke: What's The Difference?)
类别: news
心脏病发作是马来西亚的主要死因,2020 年记录了 18,515 例病例,但应注意另一种危险的发作,即中风,记录了 9,093 [...]
我有患心脏病的风险吗? (Heart Attack Risk Factors: What You Need to Know)
类别: blogpost
心悸:身体的警告信号 (Heart Palpitations: A Warning Sign For Your Body)
类别: news
心悸是由心律不齐引起的不适,有时伴有头晕和呼吸困难。心悸通常被称为心律失常,是心律问题,可能是其他主要疾病的症状。 双威医疗中心的心脏病专家和电生理学顾问 How Ann Kee [...]
发自内心的心脏工作:采访 SunMed 灌注师 Abdul Rashid Abdul Raup (Heart Work From the Heart: Interview with SunMed Perfusionist, Abdul Rashid Abdul Raup)
类别: blogpost
结合今年 9 月的世界心脏日,让我们更多地了解这个在主要心脏手术中发挥关键作用的相对不为人知的医学专业。 认识我们的高级灌注师 Abdul Rashid Abdul Raup,他自 1999 [...]
心肺血管中心 (Heart, Lung & Vascular Centre)
类别: excellence
惊心动魄的恐怖 (Heart-stopping terror)
类别: news
造血干细胞移植治疗急性白血病 (Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation For Acute Leukaemia)
类别: news
这家马来西亚医院在需要时如何有效地恢复到纸质工作流程 (Here’s how this Malaysian hospital effectively reverts to paper workflows when needed)
类别: news
双威医疗中心的集团 ICT 总监 William Chau [...]
这是粉红十月的代表 (Here’s what Pink October represents)
类别: news
老龄化社会癌症高发 (High incidence of cancer in an ageing society)
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高分辨率超声 (High Resolution Ultrasound)
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#SunMedHerStories 高危妊娠:您需要知道的 (High-Risk Pregnancy: What You Need to Know)
类别: blogpost
亮点 (Highlights)
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老年人髋部骨折可造成严重后果 (Hip Fractures in The Elderly Can Have Serious Consequences)
类别: news