安全锻炼的 10 条提示 (How to Exercise Safely: 10 Tips from Dr. Foong Chee Cheong)
类别: blogpost
家庭安全:如何处理 5 种家庭紧急情况 (How to Handle 5 Medical Emergencies at Home?)
类别: blogpost
营养不良和癌症 (How to Prevent Malnutrition in Cancer Patients?)
类别: blogpost
鼻窦炎 (How to Treat Sinusitis: Frequently Asked Questions)
类别: blogpost
鼻窦炎:常见问题 问:什么是鼻窦炎? A. [...]
HPV 套餐 (HPV Package)
类别: promotion
HPV疫苗接种 (HPV Vaccination)
类别: promotion
HPV Vaccine Promotion (HPV Vaccine Promotion)
类别: promotion
Get Vaccinated Against Cancer Caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Available at: Wellness Centre Outpatient Clinics Emergency Department Note: A pre-vaccination screening will be conducted by a doctor. Terms & Conditions: Promo is valid from 1 February 2023 until 28 February [...]
儿童身体的过度炎症 (Hyperinflammation in Kids’ Bodies)
类别: news
一些儿童在感染 Covid-19 后可能会出现多系统炎症综合征 [...]
Hypertension: A Growing Concern Among Young Malaysians (Hypertension: A Growing Concern Among Young Malaysians)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR - Once thought to primarily affect the elderly, hypertension is increasingly becoming a serious issue among younger Malaysians, particularly those under the age of 40, according to a medical expert. Consultant General Physician (Internal Medicine) at the Wellness Centre, Sunway [...]
识别痴呆症的早期预警症状 (Identifying Early Warning Symptoms of Dementia)
类别: news
根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的数据,每年诊断出 1000 万新的痴呆症病例。 全世界有超过 5500 万人患有某种形式的痴呆症,它是所有疾病中第七大死因。 根据阿尔茨海默病基金会的数据,在马来西亚,2020 年有 204,000 至 264,000 [...]
为什么更多的孩子没有接种疫苗? (Importance of Childhood Vaccines: Debunking Anti-Vaccination Myths)
类别: blogpost
根据联合国儿童基金会的说法,爱德华·詹纳在 1798 年证明了接种天花疫苗的价值。近 200 年后的 1979 [...]
Importance Of Regular Health Screening (Importance Of Regular Health Screening)
类别: news
The age-old adage “prevention is better than cure” resonates profoundly, where our health often takes a backseat amidst our busy schedules and responsibilities in today’s fast-paced world. According to the Health and Morbidity Survey 2019, only 49 per cent of Malaysians [...]
IMTJ 医疗旅游奖 (IMTJ Medical Travel Awards )
类别: award
在新闻里 (In the News)
类别: page
体外受精 (IVF) / 胞浆内单精子注射 (ICSI) (In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) / Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI))
类别: promotion
宝宝按摩工作坊2023 (Infant Massage Workshop 2023)
类别: community-happenings
Infant Massage Workshop 2023 Attention New Parents! Looking to build a closer bond and improve your baby’s health? Join this special workshop to learn soothing baby massage techniques as well as the essentials of nutrition and baby skincare! Date: 7 October 2023 [...]
Infections During Pregnancy Impact Newborn Development - OBGYN (Infections During Pregnancy Impact Newborn Development - OBGYN)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR - Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, yet it brings unique challenges, notably impacting a woman's immune system and rendering her more vulnerable to infections. Resident Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist Obstetrician at the country’s largest [...]
流感不是普通感冒,而是致命传染病 (Influenza is not a common cold but a deadly infectious disease)
类别: news
流感疫苗接种 (Influenza Vaccination)
类别: promotion
保护您和您的亲人免受流感的侵害 接种流感疫苗以保护您和您亲人的健康。登革热疫苗现已在阳光医疗中心(Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway [...]
流感疫苗接种 (Influenza Vaccination)
类别: promotion