Let’s Keep An Eye On Our Children’s Sight (Let’s Keep An Eye On Our Children’s Sight)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, August 17 – Children’s eye health is important in contributing to their development and well-being. During their childhood years, their eyes and brain undergo a critical period of development. Therefore, it is important for every parent and guardian to keep an eye on [...]
让我们来谈谈今年的男性癌症 (Let’s Talk About Male Cancer This Movember)
类别: news
让我们谈谈更年期 (Let’s Talk About Menopause)
类别: news
白血病 (Leukaemia)
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白血病 淋巴癌 脑瘤 儿童3大常见癌症 (Leukemia, Lymphoma & Brain Tumour: 3 Common Cancers in Children)
类别: news
Life to The Fullest with Laser Eye Treatment (Life to The Fullest with Laser Eye Treatment)
类别: news
PRESCRIPTION glasses and contact lenses are widely used but they do have their limitations in terms of power, durability and practicality. In addition, they can be a hindrance for activities such as hiking, scuba diving, sports and travelling. Hence, laser eye treatment is the option for people [...]
生活方式的改变、健康的饮食习惯可以预防儿童肥胖 (Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Eating Habits Can Prevent Childhood Obesity)
类别: news
双威城双威医疗中心儿科内分泌专家Ch'ng Tong Wooi [...]
小星星计划 (Little Star Programme)
类别: promotion
针对 0 至 3 岁儿童的早期学习干预,以确保他们获得适当的支持以达到发展里程碑。
肝癌 (Liver Cancer)
类别: page
与垂体瘤共存 (Living with Pituitary Tumours)
类别: news
代理护士 (Locum Staff Nurse)
类别: career
代理护士的小时费率: 普通及亚专业单位 上午和下午班次:RM25.00 夜班:RM25.00 专业单位 上午及下午:RM50.00 夜班:RM50.00 联系信息 联络人: Estee Chong 女士 电话: +603 - 7491 9191 (分机: [...]
Lokomat® Pro V5 (Lokomat® Pro V5)
类别: promotion
长期 COVID:我们的专家必须说什么 (Long COVID : What Our Specialists Have To Say)
类别: blogpost
在患者康复后持续数周或数月的 COVID-19 症状称为 COVID-19 后综合征或长期 COVID 。 发烧、咳嗽、失去味觉和嗅觉、腹泻、呼吸困难和胸痛是一个人在感染冠状病毒时会出现的症状。大多数人完全康复,但三分之一的 COVID [...]
双威医疗中心被认定为 2021 年马来西亚智慧医院 (Long Covid After Recovery)
类别: news
“在今年年初的 1 月 18 日 Covid-19 检测呈阳性后,我在晚上特别是在睡觉时感到发冷。我以前从未经历过如此寒冷,”一位更喜欢被称为 Yong 的 Covid-19 幸存者说。 当他第一次检测出 Covid-19 [...]
老年人食欲不振:您应该担心吗? (Loss of Appetite in Older Adults: Should You Be Concerned?)
类别: blogpost
您或您年迈的亲人是否经历过食欲不振或进食量比以前少很多?食欲不振导致体重大幅下降是否令人担忧? 根据我们的老年病学顾问医生 Edward Chong [...]
对男性不育的认识不足 (Low awareness of male infertility)
类别: news
腰痛康复计划 (Low Back Pain Rehabilitation Program)
类别: promotion
肺癌筛查 - 低剂量 CT 扫描 (Low Dose CT Scan for Lung Cancer Screening)
类别: page
肺癌筛查 - 低剂量 CT 扫描 RM690 无显影剂低剂量 CT 扫描 肺科专家咨询 谁需要筛查? 45 至 75 [...]
用于肺癌筛查的低剂量 CT 扫描 (Low Dose CT Scan for Lung Cancer Screening)
类别: page
腰椎间盘突出症 (Lumbar Slipped Discs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options)
类别: blogpost