膝关节注射配套 (Knee Injection Package)
类别: promotion
饱受膝关节炎引起的膝盖疼痛困扰? 如果止痛药或其他治疗无法缓解您的膝盖疼痛,透明质酸膝关节注射可有效减轻膝盖疼痛,无需手术。 特惠配套现已在双威医疗中心(Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City)推出,仅需 RM [...]
Knee Problems Common Among Elderlies, Awareness Needs To Be Raised (Knee Problems Common Among Elderlies, Awareness Needs To Be Raised)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 (Bernama) -- Knee problems are a common condition among elderlies as well as those with other comorbidities that heighten the risk of getting a knee condition such as osteoarthritis. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City’s Consultant Orthopaedic and Joint [...]
了解你的医学区 (Know Your Medicine Corner)
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switch to static hardcode page Medicines prescribed by a healthcare professional are meant to help you. However, if not consumed or taken care of properly, they may be harmful. The Know Your Medicine Corner aims to provide you with useful educational information to help you understand the use [...]
激光视力矫正 (Laser Vision Correction)
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static landing page
我应该接受激光视力矫正 (LVC) 还是 LASIK? (Laser Vision Correction: Benefits, Side Effects, and Alternatives)
类别: blogpost
LASIK自90年代末推出以来是一个常用术语,人们倾向于将此术语称为视力矫正手术。然而,LASIK 只是一种涉及使用激光束的视力矫正手术。术语激光视力矫正 (LVC) 是此类程序的更好名称。 关于 LVC [...]
LASIK的恐惧因素 (LASIK Surgery Risks: What You Need to Know?)
类别: blogpost
#1 我会因为 LASIK 而失明吗? 发生这种情况极为罕见。事实上,从未有过以 LASIK 为主要原因的失明案例。然而,根据美国疾病控制中心 (CDC) 的数据,每年 500 名隐形眼镜佩戴者中就有多达 1 [...]
了解甲状腺功能减退 (Learn About Hypothyroidism)
类别: news
Leksell 伽玛刀® Icon™ (Leksell Gamma Knife® Icon™)
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Leksell Gamma Knife® Icon™是一种经过临床验证的治疗颅内(颅骨内)位置的方法,例如大脑、脑干或三叉神经。尽管它的名字叫 Leksell Gamma Knife® [...]
Let’s Keep An Eye On Our Children’s Sight (Let’s Keep An Eye On Our Children’s Sight)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR, August 17 – Children’s eye health is important in contributing to their development and well-being. During their childhood years, their eyes and brain undergo a critical period of development. Therefore, it is important for every parent and guardian to keep an eye on [...]
让我们来谈谈今年的男性癌症 (Let’s Talk About Male Cancer This Movember)
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让我们谈谈更年期 (Let’s Talk About Menopause)
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白血病 (Leukaemia)
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白血病 淋巴癌 脑瘤 儿童3大常见癌症 (Leukemia, Lymphoma & Brain Tumour: 3 Common Cancers in Children)
类别: news
急诊室生活,认识林医生,医务医生 (Life in the Emergency Room, Meet Dr Lim, Medical Officer)
类别: blogpost
当Lim Jinn [...]
Life to The Fullest with Laser Eye Treatment (Life to The Fullest with Laser Eye Treatment)
类别: news
PRESCRIPTION glasses and contact lenses are widely used but they do have their limitations in terms of power, durability and practicality. In addition, they can be a hindrance for activities such as hiking, scuba diving, sports and travelling. Hence, laser eye treatment is the option for people [...]
生活方式的改变、健康的饮食习惯可以预防儿童肥胖 (Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Eating Habits Can Prevent Childhood Obesity)
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双威城双威医疗中心儿科内分泌专家Ch'ng Tong Wooi [...]
小星星计划 (Little Star Programme)
类别: promotion
针对 0 至 3 岁儿童的早期学习干预,以确保他们获得适当的支持以达到发展里程碑。
肝癌 (Liver Cancer)
类别: page
与垂体瘤共存 (Living with Pituitary Tumours)
类别: news
代理护士 (Locum Staff Nurse)
类别: career
代理护士的小时费率: 普通及亚专业单位 上午和下午班次:RM25.00 夜班:RM25.00 专业单位 上午及下午:RM50.00 夜班:RM50.00 联系信息 联络人: Estee Chong 女士 电话: +603 - 7491 9191 (分机: [...]