
核医学扫描:我们需要担心辐射暴露吗? (Nuclear Medicine Scan: Do We Need To Worry About Radiation Exposure?)

类别: news



护士教育家/临床讲师,护理(多学科) (Nurse Educator / Clinical Instructors, Nursing (Multi-Disciplinary))

类别: career

拥有护理文凭/学位,并在相关领域注册后至少5年经验 在马来西亚护理委员会注册的州注册护士 (SRN) 持有有效的年度执业证书 相关岗位 护理领域专业基础证书/高级文凭


护士节义卖 (Nurses Day Bazaar)

类别: community-happenings

为了美好的事业,尽情享受美食盛宴! 加入我们即将举行的护士节义卖会,品尝美味佳肴,同时回馈慈善事业。 日期:2023年12月18日及2024年1月12日 时间:上午 7.30 至下午 [...]


Nurses Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Patient Care at SMC (Nurses Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Patient Care at SMC)

类别: news

The adoption of the latest technology, including artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted equipment, is vital for improving patient-care experience. Sunway Healthcare Group Nursing New Venture director, Serene Lum Fuai Sian, emphasised the necessity of integrating new technological advancements [...]


孕期营养:来自产科医生的重要提示 (Nutrition of Pregnancy: Key Tips from a Obstetrician)

类别: blogpost



2022 年职业安全与健康周(OSH) (Occupational Safety & Health Week ​(OSH) 2022)

类别: community-happenings

如需更多信息,请致电 03 7491 9191 转 78275 联系环境、 安全与健康部


色彩、漫画与癌症:首席医学物理师 Heng Siew Ping 医生 (Of Colours, Comic and Cancer: Dr Heng Siew Ping, Chief Medical Physicist)

类别: blogpost



肿瘤学 (Oncology)

类别: page

TCM and Cancer TCM views cancer as a slowing or static in the flow of substances in the body. In particular, based on TCM context, these underlying factors such as Qi Stasis, Blood Stasis and Phlegm that allow masses or abnormal cellular growth to develop. These 3 types of stasis can be due to [...]


2018年亚太地区年度肿瘤服务提供商 (Oncology Service Provider of the Year in Asia Pacific 2018)

类别: award

  2018 年 5 月 4 日在越南西贡举行的 Global Health and Travel 2018 APAC Healthcare & Tourism Award [...]


One in Four Malaysians May Suffer A Stroke by 2040 if No Preventive Action Taken (One in Four Malaysians May Suffer A Stroke by 2040 if No Preventive Action Taken)

类别: news

It is estimated that one in four Malaysians will suffer a stroke by 2040 if no preventive action is taken, according to the Global Burden of Disease Stroke Statistics Worldwide Survey in 2016. Even alarming is that stroke patients are getting younger and in fact, one in four strokes now occur in [...]


更有意义的生活的机会 (Opportunity for a more meaningful life)

类别: news

终末期肾病 (ESKD) [...]


2017年度最佳骨科服务供应商及医疗旅游奖(亚军) (Orthopaedic Service Provider of The Year & Medical Tourism (Runner-Up) Award 2017)

类别: award

双威集团医疗保健服务董事总经理刘明龙先生从 AB Bernstein 亚太医疗保健高级研究分析师 Laura Nelson Carney 博士手中接过奖项   双威医疗中心荣获 GHT-Bernstein 2017 [...]


机器人辅助手术中的骨科医生 (Orthopaedic Surgeons in Robotic-Assisted Surgery)

类别: promotion



骨科和创伤科 (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)

类别: page

TCM orthopaedic and traumatology practice focuses prevention and treatment of osteoarticular and periarticular soft tissue injuries and diseases. In a simpler term, it generally manages the pain and injuries through a holistic approach in TCM, treating both symptoms and the root cause of pain. [...]


服務与设施 (Our Services)

类别: page


出城? (Out of Town?)

类别: page



门诊重复用药服务 (Outpatient Repeat Medication Service)

类别: page



卵巢癌 (Ovarian Cancer)

类别: page

卵巢癌的现实 卵巢是女性的生殖腺。当在卵巢中发现癌性生长时,就会发生卵巢癌。 现实检查 根据国家癌症登记处的资料,卵巢癌是马来西亚半岛女性常见的癌症,占所有女性癌症病例的 [...]


克服胰岛素治疗的障碍 (Overcoming Barriers to Insulin Therapy)

类别: blogpost

糖尿病是一种终生疾病,我们经常在媒体和同龄人中听到或读到它。根据卫生部的数据,马来西亚有 260 万注册患者,是 2012 年糖尿病病例最多的国家之一。 全国健康和发病率调查(NHMS)显示,在过去的两年半中,30 [...]


战胜儿童癌症 (Overcoming Childhood Cancer)

类别: news

巨蟹座,或“大C”,是一个没人想听到的词。对抗癌症的挑战对于一些患者来说可能过于艰巨,尤其是儿童。 Diyana Khailan 在 4 月份得知她的长子 Muhammad Aidil Iqwan Mohamad,11 [...]


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