姑息治疗简化了患者的最后旅程 (Palliative care eases the patient's final journey)
类别: news
Palliative Care Forum & Bazaar 2024 (Palliative Care Forum & Bazaar 2024)
类别: community-happenings
Join us at our Palliative Care Forum and Bazaar! Date: 4 September 2024 (Wednesday) Time: 10.30 am - 2.30 pm Venue: Lotus 1, Level 4, Tower A, Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Prepare for an insightful and engaging day at our public forum and sharing session with these esteemed [...]
Pancreatic surgery eases with robotics (Pancreatic surgery eases with robotics)
类别: news
KUALA LUMPUR: Sunway Medical Centre Sunway City (SMC) has successfully conducted pancreatic cancer surgery through the robotic Whipple procedure with the 4th generation surgical robot known as da Vinci Xi on June 17. SMC in a statement said the complex Whipple’s surgery was traditionally [...]
惊恐发作还是心脏病发作? (Panic Attack or Heart Attack?)
类别: blogpost
亲子相像摄影比赛 (Parent-Child Lookalike Photo Contest)
类别: community-happenings
人们是否经常惊叹您的女儿或儿子长得像您?如果是,那么您就该参加我们的亲子相像摄影大赛了!这是您赢取价值 RM599 的 BRUNO Compact Hot Plate [...]
虚拟亲子课程 (Parentcraft Workshops 2024)
类别: community-happenings
父母选择奖 (Parenthood Parents’ Choice Awards)
类别: award
2023 年 Parenthood 家长选择奖 - 最佳癌症中心 (Parenthood Parents’ Choice Awards 2023 - Best Cancer Centre)
类别: award
2023 年 Parenthood 家长选择奖 - 最佳癌症中心 双威城双威医疗中心在 2023 年 Parenthood 第六届年度家长选择奖中荣获最佳癌症中心。
病人护理 (Patient Care)
类别: page
病人护理助理 (Patient Care Assistant)
类别: career
具有医疗保健基础培训的 SPM 将是一个优势 公平的英语口语和写作知识
患者手册 (Patient Handbook)
类别: page
患者手册 2022 (英文版) 患者手册 2022 (马来文版) 患者手册2022(中文版)
患者信息 (Patient Info)
类别: page
Admission/Discharge We strive to make your hospital stay as comfortable as possible. Here are some general information pertaining to your hospital stay: Call-bell Call-bell services in the ward are not chargeable. Please call for [...]
患者权利和责任 (Patient Rights & Responsibilities)
类别: page
患者安全、质量和体验数据 (Patient Safety, Quality & Experience Data)
类别: page
患者支持与倡导小组 (Patient Support & Advocacy Group)
类别: page
Patient’s Story: Father's Selfless Love in Inspiring Kidney Transplant Journey (Patient’s Story: Father's Selfless Love in Inspiring Kidney Transplant Journey)
类别: blogpost
A loving father, Mr Q, made the courageous decision to donate his kidney to his daughter, saving her life and setting an inspiring example for others. This remarkable story showcases the power of love and sacrifice, emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups, blood donation, and a [...]
Paxman 头皮冷却系统 (Paxman Scalp Cooling System)
类别: promotion
PET-CT 癌症成像包 (PET-CT Cancer Imaging Package)
类别: page
类别: page
PET/CT(正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描)是一种强大的成像技术,它结合了 CT 扫描和 PET 扫描,使用放射性糖(FDG – 18F-氟脱氧葡萄糖)作为示踪剂。 它提供了有关细胞异常活动和功能的全面信息(通过 PET [...]
八打灵区私立医院员工被刺 (Petaling district private hospital workers jabbed)
类别: news
私立医院之间的合作并不常见,但在抗击 Covid-19 大流行的斗争中,它们之间存在团结与合作。 在八打灵区,几家私立医院联手在双威医疗中心开设了疫苗接种中心。 其医疗主任 Seow Vei Ken [...]