Patient’s Story: Father's Selfless Love in Inspiring Kidney Transplant Journey (Patient’s Story: Father's Selfless Love in Inspiring Kidney Transplant Journey)
类别: blogpost
A loving father, Mr Q, made the courageous decision to donate his kidney to his daughter, saving her life and setting an inspiring example for others. This remarkable story showcases the power of love and sacrifice, emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups, blood donation, and a [...]
Paxman 头皮冷却系统 (Paxman Scalp Cooling System)
类别: promotion
PET-CT 癌症成像包 (PET-CT Cancer Imaging Package)
类别: page
类别: page
PET/CT(正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描)是一种强大的成像技术,它结合了 CT 扫描和 PET 扫描,使用放射性糖(FDG – 18F-氟脱氧葡萄糖)作为示踪剂。 它提供了有关细胞异常活动和功能的全面信息(通过 PET [...]
八打灵区私立医院员工被刺 (Petaling district private hospital workers jabbed)
类别: news
私立医院之间的合作并不常见,但在抗击 Covid-19 大流行的斗争中,它们之间存在团结与合作。 在八打灵区,几家私立医院联手在双威医疗中心开设了疫苗接种中心。 其医疗主任 Seow Vei Ken [...]
双威医疗中心的工作人员通过 Cov Shield 对在场的公众进行了 COVID-19 筛查过程,以进行有针对性的筛查 (Petugas Sunway Medical Centre melakukan proses ujian saringan COVID-19 melalui Cov Shield kepada orang ramai yang hadir bagi membuat saringan bersasar)
类别: news
药店 (Pharmacy)
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药房A座 (Pharmacy Tower A)
类别: page
本周照片:巴黎避难所、雅加达抗议、边境反思 (Photos of the Week: Paris Vaults, Jakarta Protests, Border Reflections)
类别: news
孕妇和产后妇女的物理治疗 (Physiotherapy for Pregnant and Postpartum Women)
类别: promotion
乳房摄影术 (Pink October Free Mammogram Screening)
类别: community-happenings
您是否知道,如果您符 [...]
Mother's Day Promotion | 3D Mammogram Screening (Pink October Promotion | 3D Mammogram Screening)
类别: promotion
Pink October Promotion 3D Mammogram Screening Now Only at RM299 (np: 404.25) The best gift you can give your mom & yourself. Get screened now to detect breast cancer early. Terms & conditions: For self-paying outpatient only. For women aged 40 years old & above. A referral [...]
2018年先锋发展奖 (Pioneer Development Award 2018)
类别: award
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City was accorded the prestigious FIABCI Malaysia Property Awards 2019 for the Purpose Built category. The award is the highest accolade and standard of professionalism achieved in the property and real estate industry and its recognition is a testament of [...]
治疗足跟痛 (Plantar Fasciitis: Heel Pain Symptoms and Treatment)
类别: blogpost
Inpatient Art & Play Programme (Play Specialist Programme)
类别: promotion
播客 (Podcasts)
类别: page
支持注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 的积极行动 (Positive Actions to Support Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))
类别: news
注意缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 是儿童常见的疾病,会导致行为或发育问题。全球统计数据显示,教室中多达 10% [...]
covid-19后综合征 (Post covid-19 syndrome)
类别: blogpost
关于 COVID-19 后综合症的一些小知识 什么是 COVID 后综合症? 也称为“长期 COVID”,COVID-19 感染后综合征是在感染 COVID-19 期间或之后出现的一组体征和症状。 什么时候开始发展? 体征和症状可能从 4 周开始并超过 12 [...]
COVID 后检查 (Post-COVID Check-Up)
类别: promotion
您是否已从 COVID-19 康复,怀疑自己过去可能没有症状,或者想知道接种疫苗后您的保护情况如何? 我们的 COVID-19 后健康检查可帮助您确保您在各方面都一切正常。 该套餐包括血液概况、胸部 X [...]
脊髓损伤后计划 (Post-Spinal Cord Injury Program)
类别: promotion