9 Simple Ways to Relieve Back Pain

04 April 2019

Tips for Back Pain Relief

It’s safe to say that all of us have at some point experienced back pain in our lives. Here are some practical tips that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine for a healthy back:


1. Apply Cold & Hot Pack

Heat and ice are the two most common types of non-invasive and non-addictive therapies for acute pain relief. Heat and cold can be used alternatively for effective relief.

Cold therapy helps slow circulation thus reducing inflammation, muscle spasm and pain. Ice application is generally most useful for the first 48 hours following injury and applied on site for no more than 15 minutes.

Heat therapy helps decrease muscle spasm, relax tense muscles and relieve pain. This method is usually used after cold therapy and can be alternated with cold therapy.

Caution: Ice and heat packs should always be wrapped in a towel to prevent burns.

2. Exercise

Most back pain or problems happen when an unfit person injuries his/her back while lifting something heavy.

Most back pain can get better if you stay active by carrying out gentle workout and followed by strengthening exercises for prevention of future back problems.

Too much bed rest or too little activity can lead to loss of flexibility, strength and endurance, and then to more pain.

3. Stretch

Don’t underestimate the power of stretching. Back stretches can help to alleviate back pain. Regular stretching helps keep muscles and ligaments flexible, thus reducing stress on joints and improving the flow of blood and nutrients throughout the body.

4. Relax

Stress tends to make back pain worse. When you’re experiencing pain and stress, your heart rate and blood pressure rise, your breathing becomes fast and shallow, and your muscles tighten.

All these lead to stress and pain. Relaxation techniques such as mindful breathing, meditation or even taking time out to enjoy life can lead to long-term changes in your body to counteract the harmful effects of stress.

5. Maintain a Good Posture

Poor posture while sitting, standing, lying down or while moving can lead to fatigue, strain, and injuries of the back.

Proper posture means standing up straight with your ears over your shoulders, shoulders over your hip joints, and hip joints over ankles.

Office work often results in poor posture and strain to the lower back. Choose an ergonomic chair that provides better support by keeping your back straight.

6. Lift Properly

Improper lifting technique can lead to back, leg and arm pain. When picking up heavy objects bend at the knees and keep the item close to your body.

Remember not to twist your body when you lift, and wear a back brace if your job requires heavy lifting.

7. Lighten Your Load

Carrying a heavy bag changes your balance and can change the curve of your spine. Try to reduce the items in your backpack or handbag and carry only the necessities.

8. Sleep & Rest Well

Not only can sleeping correctly save you from putting unnecessary strain on your spine, you can also be assured of a sound sleep.

Try supporting your lower back by putting a pillow under your knees when lying on your back or between your knees when lying on your side.

It’s also important to have a suitable mattress that’s in the range of medium to firm in order to support and maintain your spine in the same position as a good standing posture.

9. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Experts agree that many health issues including back pain stem from an unhealthy weight. The extra kilos stress your back and can cause pain. Keeping fit is one of the most important ways to avoiding back pain.

Remember, if your back pain continues to progress or gets worse, it is important to consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis or to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Book an appointment now: https://www.sunwaymedical.com/en/speciality/rheumatology


1. 8 Tips for Back Pain Relief. Available at http://www.everydayhealth.com/back-pain/steps-to-reduce-back-pain.aspx

2. Back Pain: Lower Back Pain Relief Tips. Available at http://healthmeup.com/photogallery-healthy-living/back-pain-lower-back-pain-relief-tips/23650/14

3. Practical Tips for Back Pain Relief. Available at http://www.spine-health.com/blog/practical-tips-back-pain-relief

4. Managing Chronic and Recurring Pain. Available at www.webmd.com/pain-management/recurring-pain-11/slideshow-relieving-back-pain


