How to Exercise Safely: 10 Tips from Dr. Foong Chee Cheong

26 January 2022

Article by: Dr Foong Chee Cheong, Consultant Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
We all know that exercise is beneficial to our health. Besides managing our weight and minimising the risks of diseases, exercise builds and strengthens our muscles, which then protects us from getting injured. Yet, injury can happen to anyone, no matter our fitness level. But we can reduce the risks of getting hurt with these tips on exercising safely.

Consultant Rehabilitation Medicine Physician

Start Slowly, Boost Gradually.

If you have not been exercising regularly, start slowly and boost your activity level gradually.

Warm Up, Cool Down

Warm up and cool down are so important, take 5 to 10 minutes to do it.

Get Sufficient Rest

A mix of different kinds of activities and sufficient rest is safer and better. Training too hard and too often may cause injuries to your body.

Listen to Your Body

Always listen to your body. Hold off or cut down on exercise when you’re sick or feeling very tired.

Increase Intensity Gradually

If you have to stop exercising for a while, drop back to a lower level of exercise. Start with lower intensity and increase it gradually.

Stay Hydrated During Exercise

Ensure adequate hydration especially during or after a vigorous exercise.

Appropriate Clothing to Reduce Injury

Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for your type of exercise. It will reduce the risk of injury.

Avoid Heat Stroke, Choose Wisely

Don’t exercise vigorously under the hot weather as it can cause heat stroke. Exercise during cooler mornings or evening hours or at an air-conditioned gym.

Breathe Well, Lift Safely

Good breathing practice is important in exercise, particularly when lifting weights.

Follow Instructions

Know how to perform the various exercises. If using any equipment, keep to the instructions for using each device.

These tips are based on recommendations from Harvard University and American College of Sports Medicine.


