A corn is a region of skin that thickens due to continuous or excessive pressure. While many corns remain painless, those that develop on the feet can cause discomfort, especially when they emerge over bony foot areas.

What Causes Corns?

  • Corns on the Toes: The main culprits are ill-fitting shoes and certain foot deformities, which lead to skin friction inside shoes.
  • Corns on Other Areas: These are typically due to repeated pressure and rubbing on the specific area.

Recognising Corn Symptoms

  • Toes: Corns often manifest as small, painful patches on the top or side of the toes or between them. They may appear yellow or red.
  • Other Areas: Corns can present as a thickened skin region that's either painless or slightly uncomfortable, usually having a yellow or red hue.

How to Diagnose Corns?

While most cases can be self-managed based on symptoms, medical advice is crucial if there's persistent pain or complications. Importantly, individuals with conditions like diabetes or blood circulation issues must seek professional medical treatment to avoid the risk of infection.

Effective Treatments for Corns

  1. Daily Footwear Choices: Ensure you wear well-fitting shoes, gloves, socks, or shoe insoles to guard the skin against friction.
  2. Natural Remedies: After a warm water soak, use a pumice stone to gently remove thickened skin.
  3. Medications: Apply keratin-dissolving agents like salicylic acid to diminish corn thickness.
  4. Professional Procedures: In more severe cases, consider minor surgical procedures or laser surgery to tackle persistent corns.

Prevention for Corns

For Toes:

  • Opt for shoes that fit correctly.
  • Choose socks of the right size, preferably made from non-irritating materials.

For Other Areas:

  • Minimise activities leading to skin friction.
  • Wear sport gloves or insoles to reduce rubbing.
