Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, commonly known as G6PD Deficiency, is a hereditary condition primarily affecting men.

It causes red blood cells to be vulnerable to damage or destruction when exposed to specific triggers like certain foods, medications, and even some viral infections. G6PD is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in converting glucose into glutathione, a substance that protects red blood cells from free radicals. This condition is X-linked recessive, making it more prevalent in men than women.

Identifying Symptoms of G6PD Deficiency

  • Skin Changes: One of the initial signs is a change in skin colour, ranging from paleness to a yellowish hue. This is due to the acute breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Physical Lethargy: Listlessness and fever are common symptoms, especially in infants who may experience extended episodes of neonatal jaundice.
  • Urine Discolouration: Dark yellow or even black urine, similar in colour to tea or cola, is another symptom. Reduced urine output may be a sign of acute kidney failure.

Effective Treatment for G6PD Deficiency

The cornerstone of managing G6PD Deficiency lies in prevention. It's imperative to avoid foods and medications that can result in red blood cell breakdown.


Patients should be vaccinated against prevalent infectious diseases to minimise the risk of red blood cell damage stemming from infections.

Medical Interventions:

In extreme cases where there is acute disintegration of red blood cells, a blood transfusion may be essential.

By taking a proactive approach towards management and treatment, individuals with G6PD Deficiency can lead a healthier life.
