Lung cancer remains one of the leading health challenges in Malaysia, claiming the lives of many individuals annually. Recognised for its high mortality rate, it's crucial to acknowledge that early detection significantly improves the chances of successful treatment.

Types of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer stems from an uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells in the lungs, potentially forming a malignant tumour. The progression and fatality of lung cancer are heavily influenced by the cancer type.

The Primary Categories of Lung Cancer

  • Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): Accounting for approximately 10-15% of lung cancers, SCLC is notorious for its rapid spread and the swift onset of health deterioration. Medical treatments, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are preferred over surgical interventions.
  • Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Making up about 85 to 90% of lung cancer cases, NSCLC has a slower progression. Surgical removal in the early stages can often lead to a cure, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis.

Identifying the Risk Factors for Lung Cancer

The origins of lung cancer can be elusive, but certain elements are known to elevate the risk of developing this condition:

  • Cigarette Smoking: A leading contributor, with smokers at a 10 to 30-fold increased risk compared to non-smokers.
  • Environmental and Occupational Hazards: Exposure to asbestos, radon, arsenic, and certain heavy metals can contribute to lung cancer risk.
  • Age: Risk escalates with age, particularly after 40, but younger individuals are not immune.
  • Family History: A familial pattern of lung cancer can increase susceptibility, even in non-smokers.

Regular consultations with healthcare providers can inform at-risk individuals on reducing their lung cancer risk and the necessity of consistent health screenings.

Early Detection through Lung Cancer Screening

Early detection is paramount for effectively combating lung cancer. Unlike self-examinable cancers like breast cancer, lung cancer requires more sophisticated screening. Low-dose computerized tomography stands as a cutting-edge diagnostic tool in this realm.

Recognising the Symptoms of Lung Cancer

In its initial stages, lung cancer may not present any symptoms. It's when the disease advances that symptoms may manifest, such as:

  • Persistent coughing, which might be dry or produce mucus
  • Breathing difficulties, including shortness of breath
  • Wheezing sounds during breathing
  • Pain in the chest area
  • Blood in the cough (hemoptysis)
  • Changes in voice or hoarseness
  • Recurrent respiratory infections, like pneumonia
  • General fatigue and weakness
  • Unintended weight loss

These symptoms aren't exclusively indicative of lung cancer since they overlap with other respiratory conditions. Nevertheless, their presence warrants a prompt medical evaluation.

Diagnosing Lung Cancer: A Step-by-Step Approach

Upon suspecting lung cancer, healthcare professionals undertake a comprehensive approach:

  • A physical assessment and examination of the patient's medical history.
  • Analysis of sputum (phlegm) samples.
  • Chest X-rays for initial anomaly detection.

If these indicators suggest lung cancer, further diagnostic procedures may include:

  • Biopsies and Aspirations: Fine-needle aspiration helps obtain tissue samples, often guided by CT scans.
  • Bronchoscopy: A flexible instrument explores the lung's airways, collecting tissue for analysis.
  • Thoracentesis: Fluid from around the lungs is sampled via a needle for cancer cell detection.
  • Imaging Techniques: CT scans and MRIs delineate the cancer's location and size, while PET scans differentiate between cancerous and normal cells.

Staging Lung Cancer: Determining the Extent of the Disease

Accurate staging is critical, as it directs the treatment strategy. The extent of the cancer is evaluated based on its location, size, and whether it has metastasized.

  • Small Cell Lung Cancer Stages:
    • Limited stage: Confined to the lungs.
    • Extensive stage: Spread beyond the lungs.
  • Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Stages:
    • Stage 1: Localized within the lung.
    • Stage 2: Varied by the size and lymph node involvement.
    • Stage 3: Advanced local spread.
    • Stage 4: Metastasized to distant organs.

Treatment for Lung Cancer

The treatment regimen for lung cancer is personalized based on the stage and characteristics of the cancer, as well as the patient's overall health.

  • Surgical Options: Aimed at excising the cancerous cells and affected lymph nodes, primarily for NSCLC stages 1, 2, and some 3A cases.
  • Radiotherapy: High-energy X-rays target cancer cells, applicable except for metastatic cases.
  • Chemotherapy: Systemic drug therapy designed to eliminate cancer cells and impede their growth.
  • Targeted and Combination Therapies: Pinpoint treatments that minimize harm to healthy cells, often used in conjunction with other therapies for maximum efficacy.

Post-Treatment Self-Care

Successful recovery and prevention of recurrence depend on:

  • Ceasing smoking for those who smoke.
  • Gradual resumption of physical activity, like walking, to bolster lung and heart health.
  • Adhering to scheduled follow-ups to monitor for cancer recurrence or spread.
