Preventing Hunchback and Improving Posture

03 July 2024

Hunchback is a common spinal problem in people. Wrong posture and aging are the two main causes of hunchback. 

According to Consultant Spine Surgery, Dr Lau Choon Ping, severe hunchback can limit cardiorespiratory development in children and affect the quality of life of adults. 

"It also brings other health problems, including back pain, breathing difficulties, loss of appetite and gradual malnutrition.

"Like some children from a young age with improper posture and hunchback with no timely correction over the posture, over the years it will become permanent hunchback, which is why such a problem must be corrected early," he said.

He explained, hunchback is a spine that slopes forward, causing the back to curve, which causes the head to protrude forward. 

"The curved back resembles a camel's hump, which is commonly known as hunchback. In medicine, the scientific name is kyphosis.

"Another cause of hunchback is structural. In terms of structural causes, the main categories are congenital, acquired and degenerative kyphosis," he added.

He explained that different causes of hunchbacks require different treatments. For example, if a child has a hunchback caused by poor posture, the problem can be corrected by wearing a back brace.

"Correcting posture and exercising appropriately also important to minimize the negative health effects of hunchbacks and to ensure that the child's body develops and functions properly.

"For posture-induced hunchback, I also recommend strengthening the back muscles and improving the working environment, especially for part-time workers who sit at their desks for long periods of time, and I will give advice and improvement programs accordingly." he emphasized.

Meanwhile, he also give some advice to the patients who just undergoing major surgery where strenuous exercise and heavy lifting are generally not recommended because the joints may deteriorate prematurely.

Source: Sin Chew Daily
