Effective Prostate Enlargement Treatment with Water Vapour Therapy

16 November 2023

Effective Prostate Enlargement Treatment with Water Vapour Therapy

Are you facing difficulties with frequent urination or weak urine flow? Sunway Medical Centre's innovative Water Vapour Therapy offers a cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment for enlarged prostate, improving your quality of life with a simple and quick procedure.

A Minimally Invasive Solution of Prostate Enlargement: Water Vapour Therapy

Water Vapour Therapy is a state-of-the-art treatment that uses the natural energy stored in water vapour, or steam, to treat the extra prostate tissue that is causing symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and weak flow. Traditional surgery of prostate enlargement can be daunting. Water Vapor Therapy presents a less invasive alternative, with many patients experiencing relief from symptoms without the need for conventional surgery.

Benefits of Water Vapour Therapy

  • Quick and efficient treatment with minimal discomfort
  • Outpatient procedure with fast recovery time
  • Significant improvement in urinary symptoms and flow

Are You Eligible for Water Vapour Therapy?

If you're experiencing symptoms like frequent or painful urination, an inability to urinate, or a sensation that the bladder isn't empty, you might be a suitable candidate for Water Vapour Therapy. Consult our specialists to see if this treatment can benefit you.

Contact Sunway Medical Centre at +60 19-691 6300 to schedule your appointment and take advantage of our exclusive RM4,000 discount for MyKad holders!
Terms & Conditions apply.
