Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City, offers quality accommodation equipped with facilities that cater to every patients’ needs. During the admission process, you will be handed a form to indicate which room type you prefer. However, as the hospital does not accept pre-booking of rooms, the actual room accorded to you will be subject to availability. Meals are complimentary for in-patients.

Should you have any specific requests, please speak to any of our staff. We will do our level best to make your stay with us a pleasant one.

Room Rates at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City

Grand Premier Suite RM1,888
Premier Suite RM1,388
Deluxe Suite RM780
Premier Single Suite RM450
Premier Single RM425
Deluxe Single RM398
Standard Single RM285
Two Bedded Deluxe RM210
Two Bedded RM180
Four Bedded RM100
HDU Deluxe Suite RM630
HDU Premier Single RM470
High Dependency Unit (HDU) RM430
Cardiac HDU (CHDU) RM380
Surgical / Medical Daycare RM135
Delivery Suite RM350
Peads Observation Bed RM380
Neonatal HDU (NHDU) RM380
General Nursery RM125
Deluxe Therapeutic RM388


*All rates quoted are subject to revisions from time to time by Sunway Medical Centre.