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The Silent Tormentor: Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia
Category: news
Imagine a pain that is so unbearable that it can drive someone to consider ending their own life. Trigeminal Neuralgia, also known as the “suicide disease” or Tic douloureux, is a rare and agonising condition that can severely disrupt one’s life if left untreated. Despite its [...]
The single female suicide factor and gender differences
Category: news
In 2018, 66% of the calls made to Befrienders Kuala Lumpur came from women, and of this, 60% of them were single. However, Sunway Medical Centre consultant psychiatrist Dr Tee Bee Chin said the figures do not mean that women are more depressed than men, or that women have more emotional [...]
The SunMed Suite
Category: promotion
The SunMed Suite - Sunway Medical Centre Level 7 Tower C Enter a new way to experience healthcare— designed and built for the most serenely secluded time with your loved ones. The SunMed Suite is where enveloping peace, spectacular elegance, and immersive [...]
The Unravelling Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Category: news
Pain in the hands can be caused by a variety of conditions, each with its own set of unique characteristics. The term ‘carpal tunnel syndrome’ refers to one of the conditions that frequently impacts the hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome affects many people around the world, and people who [...]
The Women Who Make a Difference: Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City’s Healthcare Professionals Beyond the Hospital Walls
Category: news
The women in our lives deserve to be celebrated at any time, irrespective of age or circumstance. From the mothers who provide us with endless love and dedication, to the daughters who inspire us with their compassion, and the friends who support us through every challenge, they all play [...]
The World's Few Female Orthopaedic Oncology Surgeons
Category: news
It is estimated that there are only about 500 bone tumour surgeons in the world today and about 10 in Malaysia. Orthopaedic has the lowest percentage of women in a surgical specialty and continues to be a male-dominated discipline. In fact, orthopaedic surgery is notoriously demanding in terms [...]
These Malaysian companies are on the road to robotics
Category: news
Early this year, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced that Malaysia is working on the National Robotics Roadmap (NRR) to boost national productivity by widening the use of robotics technology. The objective, according to Ismail Sabri, is to lessen reliance on foreign [...]
This is not a phone booth, it is a 'Cov-shield'.
Category: news
Timely and Better Quality Care with Sunway Stroke Centre
Category: news
It is a little-known fact that stroke care is one of the costliest healthcare conditions globally. Experiencing a stroke is a leading precursor of serious, long-term disability, the effects of which may be prolonged with physical, emotional, social, and financial consequences not only for [...]
Timely Interventions Increase Children with Congenital Heart Disease Survival Rate
Category: news
The survival rate of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) has seen a dramatic increase in the past 50 years and they are more likely to survive into adulthood following surgery with timely interventions due to advancements in diagnostic techniques. Consultant paediatric cardiologist at [...]
Total Knee Replacement Package
Category: promotion
Say goodbye to knee pain and return to your active life with our Total Knee Replacement Package. The package includes: 5D4N (Ward + Meals) Pre-surgery blood tests Surgeon + anaesthetist + nursing fees Anaesthesia Routine medication when hospitalised Medical equipment and [...]
Towards a Future in Digital Healthcare
Category: news
Physical lockdowns, social distancing, and masks – the year 2020 will remembered for how the COVID-19 coronavirus has changed the world indefinitely. However, one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has accelerated the rate of digital transformation globally, as governments and [...]
Traditional Complementary Medicine
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Coming Soon
Transplant Centre
Category: excellence
Coming Soon
Treating Asthma in Children
Category: news
Asthma occurs due to the narrowing of the airways where there is inflammation and mucus in the form of phlegm. Asthma is caused by unclean and polluted environments and exposure to cigarette smoke. On average, 10% of children in the Malaysia suffer from asthma and is common among 40% of children [...]
Treatment of Arthritic Knee Degeneration Without Surgery
Category: news
Does your knees make a clicking sound when you walk? Do you experience pain in your knee when going up and down the stairs? Are your knees swollen knees or have stiff joints? Many people have various misconceptions about the symptoms of knee degeneration such as [...]
Category: page
Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture Acupuncture Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It is a safe technique provided that practitioners are properly trained and follow appropriate techniques. Most patients find that the treatments are relaxing and cause minimal [...]
Trigger Finger Release Package
Category: promotion
Do Your Fingers or Thumb Lock or Catch When Bent? This could be trigger finger, a common and treatable condition that affects the movement of your fingers or thumb. What is Trigger Finger? Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition where a finger or [...]
Types of Hearing Loss and Treatments in Malaysia
Category: blogpost
Hearing loss is a condition that can affect any person at any such age, from a young infant to a fully-grown adult. However, the reason for hearing impairment is different in each hearing-impaired individual, hence will display different symptoms depending on its level of severity. Need more [...]
UK-Malaysia Partnership Award 2019
Category: award