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Understanding The Prevalence of Vascular Dementia Among Malaysians
Category: news
DESPITE having the ability to impair daily functioning and drastically affect the quality of life, vascular dementia (VaD) remains relatively misunderstood. Recognised as the second-most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's, VaD differs as it is caused by impaired blood flow to [...]
Understanding What Mindfulness Is and How to Practice It
Category: blogpost
Yesterday was history Tomorrow is mystery Today is a gift, The PRESENT -Agnes Baker Pilgrim- I was a little boy when I first had the habit of closing my eyes and observing the sound around me with curiosity and appreciation. I like the self-taught method as it gives me a sense of calmness. It [...]
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Brains: Interview with Dr Mohammad Imran bin Idris, Consultant Neurologist
Category: blogpost
Neurology has long fascinated medical professionals as it deals with the brain, the most complex organ in the human body. Understanding how it controls movement, memory, and emotions, while diagnosing disorders like stroke and dementia, makes neurology both intellectually stimulating and [...]
Unravelling The Connection Between Heart Disease & Stroke
Category: news
Heart disease remains to be a growing national health concern with it being the principal cause of death in Malaysia. As the years progress, deaths caused by heart disease are on a steady upward trend rousing the worries of many. Statistics are also showing that there is a rise in the number [...]
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Uroflowmetry is a quick, simple diagnostic screening test that is used to calculate the flow rate of urine over time. The test measures the volume of urine released from the body, and the speed and time of urinary release. The doctor may conduct a uroflowmetry if patient reports symptoms of [...]
Urology Centre
Category: excellence
Welcome to Sunway Medical Centre’s Urology Centre that offers expert management and treatment solutions for all urological conditions. Urology is a surgical speciality that deals with diseases of the urinary & reproductive tracts in men and with urinary disease in [...]
Using Cutting-edge AI Tech to Diagnose Emergency Treatment
Category: news
KUALA LUMPUR: To ensure that patients can be served efficiently when seeking emergency treatment, Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) has introduced ultrasound or sonography imaging technology enhanced with artificial intelligence (AI). Assistant medical director and emergency medical [...]
Varian TrueBeam STx
Category: page
The Varian TrueBeam™ STx technology is a revolutionary innovation in cancer treatment. It expands radiotherapy treatment options for even the most challenging cancer cases in the lung, breast, head and neck, abdomen, liver and other regions. The system uses sophisticated [...]
Varicose Veins Management: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
Category: blogpost
What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are enlarged superficial veins commonly arising in the legs. They are usually dilated and tortuous. They occur over the calf and inner thigh. Varicose veins occur due to defective valves. What are veins? Veins are blood vessels which transport [...]
Vegetable Wrap
Category: blogpost
Ingredients (3 servings) Filling 3 large iceberg lettuce leaves 3 water-chestnut, peeled and diced 1 sheet of Fuchok, soaked and diced pinch of salt & pepper 50g of carrot, diced 50g of celery, diced 1 tsp of sugar 1 tsp of sesame oil 1 tbsp of corn flour Sauces 1 tbsp vegetable [...]
Vertigo Treatment: Solutions for Dizziness Feeling and Balance Restoration
Category: blogpost
Vertigo is the hallucination of movement. It is the cardinal symptom of disease of the vestibular system including its central connections. The ‘sense’ of balance is very basic and phylogenically predates sight and hearing. Physiology The vestibular sense organ consists of the [...]
Vestibular Rehab
Category: promotion
Exercise-based Inner ear balance therapy by specialty-trained personnel to improve dizziness, vertigo, and feelings of instability.
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Videos and Podcasts
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Virtual Parentcraft Antenatal Classes for Expectant Couples
Category: news
Parenting is a topic that mystifies most couples. Parents-to-be have the option of picking up a book to prepare, speak to other parents and learn from them, or possibly do a search to find information online. However, the value of an antenatal class is being able to hear from healthcare [...]
Virtual Parentcraft Antenatal Classes for Expectant Couples
Category: news
Parents who welcome a newborn often experience a wide range of emotions, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many new mums experience post-partum “baby blues” after childbirth, which commonly include mood swings, crying spells and difficulty sleeping. It is [...]
Vision & Mission
Category: page
Vision Correction for Presbyopia
Category: promotion
Is your vision getting worse as you age? If you're noticing a decline in your ability to see clearly at near or far distances, it could be due to presbyopia (rabun tua/ 老花) —a common and natural part of ageing that affects your vision. Don’t Settle for Less. Take Control [...]
Vital for diabetics to keep eye on food portions, says doc
Category: news
THE festive season may be a time for merriment and celebration but from experience, this is also when many diabetic patients end up in the emergency department, says a health specialist. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City (SMC) consultant general physician and endocrinologist Dr Lim Chong [...]
Walk-In Interview
Category: community-happenings
Don't miss out on your chance to join us - register here: Save the date and we look forward to see you at our Walk-In Interview Johor: Sunway Hotel Big Box 19 August 2022 | 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Melaka: Holiday Inn Hotel 20 August 2022 [...]