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CNY Safety Tips: Expert First Aid Advice from Dr Lee Soon Han
Category: blogpost
Chinese New Year is a time for family, festive meals, and travel. However, it is important to stay mindful of your health and safety during this season. Dr Lee Soon Han, our Head of Accident and Emergency Department (A&E), shares useful tips for handling medical emergencies and when to [...]
Cochlear Implants for Children in Malaysia
Category: blogpost
Newborn or few years of age, a child with severe to profound hearing loss can benefit from a cochlear implant to hear and better experience the world they live in. This article will explore a few key improvements your child may attain after implantation. Speech and Hearing Improvements with [...]
Colic in Infants: Coping with Your Baby's Excessive Crying
Category: blogpost
Learn about colic in infants, how to identify its symptoms, and discover helpful tips for managing your baby's excessive crying and providing relief. Infantile colic is a common concern for new parents, marked by excessive and inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. This challenging [...]
College of American Pathologists (CAP) Accreditation - Special Haematology Lab
Category: award
The Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) awarded accreditation to our Special Haematology facility at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City based on results of a recent on-site inspection conducted by CAP inspectors. Recognised for rigorous and robust [...]
Colorectal Cancer
Category: page
The Reality of Colorectal Cancer It is a type of cancer that forms in the colon or the rectum. As both have many features in common, they are often grouped together as colorectal cancer. REALITY CHECK This is the second most common type of cancer in the country. In Malaysia, it has been [...]
Colorectal Cancer in Malaysia: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment Options
Category: blogpost
The colon is the large intestine with the rectum being the last part of the large intestine. Colorectal cancer is a malignant growth that occurs in either the colon or rectum, making it one of the most serious forms of cancer. Colorectal cancer is currently the most common cancer in men and third [...]
Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults
Category: blogpost
Colorectal cancer incidences amongst adults below the age of 50 years old continues to increase without a clear explanation. Only a relatively small proportion can be attributed to known inherited genetic conditions such as Lynch Syndrome. Unlike their older counterparts, not many have the typical [...]
Combining Eastern and Western approaches
Category: news
Sunway Group Healthcare has opened its first traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) centre at Sunway Geo Avenue in Bandar Sunway. Representing a holistic approach to medicine and health, Sunway TCM Centre aims to pair the traditional and cultural practices of the East with the [...]
Commercial Airlines Offerings With Sunway Healthcare Group of Hospitals
Category: promotion
Welcome Health Tourists! See our offerings for your hassle-free healthcare experience! Free COVID-19 RT-PCR test (one time; patient ONLY), Free medical check-up for patient's companion, 50% off specialist teleconsultation, 30% off quarantine fees, 20% off [...]
Committed to providing the best service
Category: news
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway Group's healthcare unit, continues to expand its business to become one of the region's leading private medical centres. It is committed to improving healthcare through the provision of best services and the use of cutting-edge technology to keep patients [...]
Common Eye Problems: Types and Solutions for Better Vision
Category: blogpost
Understanding Common Eye Problems and Their Types Vision plays a crucial role in our lives from infancy to adulthood, as our eyes are known as the body’s most highly developed sensory organs. However, eyesight is something that many of us take for granted. It is important to understand that [...]
Common Questions on Cancer
Category: news
This excerpt is transcribed from a virtual talk with Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Dr Ivan Shew. My relative currently has stage IIIB lung cancer, suffers from diabetes, has received chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and is currently receiving [...]
Complications in pregnant women
Category: news
Each phase of pregnancy is its own journey for every woman who strives to have children. With it, however, are many healthcare precautions to ensure there are no complications during pregnancy and for the baby to be delivered safely. That is why it is important for pregnant women to take good [...]
Comprehensive Bone Health Screening Packages
Category: promotion
Concerned About Your Bone Health? If you're worried about osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, our Comprehensive Bone Health Screening Packages can help you detect and address issues early – ensuring stronger, healthier bones for years to come. Comprehensive Bone Health Screening [...]
Comprehensive Stem Cell Transplants in Special Haematology Lab at Sunway Medical Centre
Category: blogpost
Did you know that Sunway Medical Centre has one of the most comprehensive private haematology labs in Malaysia? Special haematology labs like ours play an important role in the analysis, processing, as well the cryopreservation and storage of stem cells. For patients with cancer or blood disorders, [...]
Conditions and Treatments
Category: page
Consultant Specialists
Category: career
Sunway Healthcare Group’s Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City, Selangor Sunway Medical Centre Velocity, Kuala Lumpur Sunway Specialist Centre Damansara, Selangor Upcoming Hospitals Sunway Medical Centre Seberang Jaya, Penang Sunway [...]
Contact Lens vs LVC: Which is the Best Option for Clear Vision?
Category: blogpost
It is estimated that there currently are approximately 140 million contact lens wearers worldwide who are still looking for the perfect pair of contact lenses despite their 10 to 15 years’ history of contact lens wear. It is common for us to always look for a good quality product, especially [...]
Contact Us
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Outpatient Appointments +603-7491 9191 / 5566 9191 Wellness Centre +603-7491 1198 [email protected] International Patient Centre +603-7491 1382 / 1393 / [...]
Contour Protégé AI+
Category: promotion
Introducing Contour Protégé AI+, the latest innovation in cancer care. Our state-of-the-art AI-assisted auto contouring software is designed to revolutionise the radiotherapy process, delivering unparalleled precision and efficiency. Why Choose Contour [...]