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da Vinci Surgical System
Category: page
The da Vinci Surgical System is a surgical platform designed to enable complex surgery using a minimally invasive approach. The da Vinci Surgical System consists of an ergonomic surgeon console or consoles, a patient-side cart with three or four interactive arms, a [...]
Daily Life – “Covid SHIELD”
Category: news
Danny, My Cadaver
Category: blogpost
Cadaver. A cold, lifeless body lying on a cold, hard slab. I first met my cadaver in September 1998 as a first-year medical student at Manipal University. His half-opened eyes were dry and filmy, his tongue was pale and flushed. My cadaver wasn’t handsome, but I still giggled at the sight [...]
Datin Dr Wendy Lim Wan Dee

Category: doctor
BMedSci (Nott), BMBS (Nott), CCST (UK) (Gastroenterology & Internal Medicine), AM (Mal), FRCP (Lon),FRCP (Edin)
Dato' Dr Chang Kian Meng

Dato' Dr Jegan A/L Thanabalan

Category: doctor
MBBS, MS, Fellowship In Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery (Oxford, UK)
Dato' Dr Mrs Kew Siang Tong (Hsu Yuan I)

Category: doctor
MBBS (S'pore), FAMM FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin), FRCP(Glasg), FRCPI, FACP (Hon), FRACP (Hon)
Dato' Dr Tikfu Gee

Category: doctor
MBBS (India), MS Surgery (Malaya), AM (Mal), Fellowship in Metabolic, Bariatric & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery (France)
Dato' Dr Yap Yee Guan

Category: doctor
DIMP, BMedSci (Hons) (Nottm), MBBS (Nottm), MD (Lond), CCT (UK) (Cardiology & Int Medicine), Eur Cardiol (Europe), AM, FAMS (S’pore), FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Lond), FESC (Europe), FSCAI (USA), FAHA( USA), FACC (USA)
Dato' Dr Zakaria Bin Zahari

Category: doctor
MB BCh (RCSI, Dublin, FRCS (Edin), Fellowship in paediatric Surgery (KKM)
Dato' Dr Zaliha Binti Omar

Datuk Dr Chua Tee Joo

Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Bin Abd Ghapar

Datuk Dr Mohd Noor Bin Awang

Dealing with Chronic Kidney Disease Among Children
Category: news
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children is rare, but not unheard of. Any kidney condition that persists more than three months is known as CKD. Based on a consensus of seven major hospitals with paediatric nephrology services in the country, there are about 377 children with CKD [...]
Dealing With Lupus And Managing Its Impact
Category: news
Lupus, an autoimmune condition, mystifies many with its complexity and variable impact on sufferers. It strikes without warning, turning the body’s immune system against itself, causing inflammation and damage to any organ in the body, most commonly the skin, joints, and internal [...]
Dealing With Migraines
Category: news
If there is one thing people living with migraine want you to know, it is that migraine attacks are anything but just a bad headache. Migraine attacks commonly involve a painful throbbing pain — most times on one side of the head, sometimes both, and can have far-reaching [...]
Dealing with Picky Eating in Children
Category: blogpost
Do mealtimes with your little one often feel like an endless battle, with them refusing to eat certain foods or insisting on eating only specific types of food? You are not alone in your struggle. Picky eating is quite common among children aged between one to 10 years old, with one out of five [...]
Debunking 6 Common Cancer Myths: Facts You Need to Know
Category: blogpost
Cancer is the disease caused by uncontrolled cell division and growth in a part of the body. The problem about the term ‘cancer’ is that it includes so many different types such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, leukemia and so on. Cancers can be found in nearly [...]
Debunking Lung Cancer Myths with Respiratory Specialist, Dr Syed Ajmal
Category: blogpost
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Malaysia. A major contributing factor to this is because it is often detected too late, which results in missed treatment opportunities, as treatment is less likely to be effective in its advanced stages. In Malaysia, 90% of lung [...]