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Diabetes Management: Two-pronged Approach To Medication For Life, Rapid Glycemic Control And Reduction Of Organ Damage
Category: news
The most frightening aspect of diabetes mellitus is not only the metabolic loss of blood glucose control, but also its extensive effects on the systemic vascular system. Hyperglycemia chronically damages the body's large and small blood vessels, leading to a series of serious complications. [...]
Diabetic Eye Screening Package
Category: promotion
Safeguard Your Vision by Getting a Diabetic Eye Screening Today For those with diabetes, taking care of your eyes is crucial. Regular eye screenings can catch potential issues before they impact your vision permanently. Cherish your sight and get your yearly screenings before it is too [...]
Diabetic Retinopathy Stages: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Guide
Category: blogpost
Diabetic retinopathy is a common diabetes-related eye condition that can lead to vision loss if left untreated. It is the leading cause of blindness among working-age people in developed countries. As the rate of diabetes in Malaysia continues to rise, it is crucial for the population to [...]
Dialysis Centre In Malaysia
Category: page
During a haemodialysis treatment, a patient sits next to a haemodialysis machine and two needles will be placed in a vein of the patient’s forearm in order for the patient’s blood to be pumped out and filtered. The treatment does not hurt although some patients may experience nausea [...]
Did You Know? 5 Types of Silent Cancer You Should Know
Category: blogpost
Many leading cancers have no clear-cut symptoms in their earliest stages. These five silent cancers may present symptoms that you don’t recognise as something serious enough to get yourself checked but early cancer detection increases the chances for successful treatments. So let’s [...]
Diet but Not Losing Weight?
Category: news
Women and the word diet are inseparable. After all, what woman doesn’t want to appear slim and look stunning with a toned waistline? However, dieting is not as easy as it sounds. Even after trying various types and methods of dieting, the needle on the scale still seems reluctant to [...]
Dietetics & Nutrition Services
Category: excellence
Our diets affect us in many different ways, from fuelling our growth to helping prevent disease and faster recovery from sickness, what we choose to eat & ways to eat correctly has a big impact on our lives. SunMed Dietetics & Nutrition Services offers a comprehensive range [...]
Digestive Health Centre
Category: excellence
Digestive problems happen to all of us from time to time—an upset stomach, indigestion, gas, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea. These can be caused by certain types of food, food contaminated with harmful bacteria, or flu or other short-term illness. Many digestive problems [...]
Digestive Health Symposium 2025
Category: community-happenings
Stay ahead with the latest insights and cutting-edge surgical solutions in digestive health at our Digestive Health Symposium 2025. Join us on the 1st of March 2025 for talks and panel discussions by top digestive health consultants from Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway [...]
Digital Mammography
Category: page
Mammography is a specific type of imaging that uses a low-dose x-ray system to examine breasts. Both digital and conventional mammography use x-rays to produce an image of the breast. However, in digital mammography, the image is stored as a computer file (instead of a piece of film) [...]
Do I Need Surgery For Knee Pain or Hip Pain?
Category: news
Experiencing pain on knee and hip joint are no longer relevant to only older people. Much younger people are also at the risk of getting hip strain and injury as they are more into sports like a marathon. But does knee or hip pain always require surgery? Or are there other solution or [...]
Does Avoiding Screenings Mean You're Safe? Your "Ostrich" Mentality Lets Cancer Get Ahead
Category: news
Cancer is quite common and its lethality cannot be underestimated, so it is an issue that no one should take lightly. However, many people delay seeking medical treatment because they avoid screening for various reasons, resulting in irreparable deficiencies. In fact, early detection of [...]
Does Consuming Ultra-Processed Food Increase Your Risk of Obesity, Diabetes or Cancer?
Category: blogpost
According to the World Health Organisation, 70% of deaths worldwide today are due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). These include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes; which are caused mainly by unhealthy diets and lifestyles. This is why on World Health Day, [...]
Doktor, Saya Banyak Sedih (I’m Sad, Doctor.)
Category: blogpost
“Doktor, Saya Banyak Sedih.” (I’m Sad, Doctor.) By Dr Samuel Ong, cardiologist P sees me for his cardio check-up once a year. He always comes unaccompanied. In between these annual visits, he does his regular check-ups at a government clinic in his hometown. He is 69 [...]
Don't Keep Quiet About Breast Cancer
Category: news
Cancer treatment is often perceived as painful, making many willing to keep quiet than seek treatment. Some even believe in alternative methods, thinking that the disease can be cured that way. This causes patients to only seek medical advice when cancer cells have spread. Sunway [...]
Don’t delay cancer screening
Category: news
In June, the US government’s top cancer doctor Norman Sharpless estimated in his article in Science magazine that pandemic-caused delays in cancer screenings and treatment are likely to cause devastating results in the coming years, citing that there may be “10,000 more breast and [...]
Dr Aaron Lai Kuo Huo

Dr Adam Pany Bin Abdullah

Dr Ahmad Hisham Bin Abd Rashid

Dr Ahmad Zulkiflee Bin Hj Laidin