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Dr Yap Yew Chong

Dr Yeoh Tze Ming

Category: doctor
MB BCh BaO LRCPS Ireland, Master of Surgery, University of Malaya, FRCS Edinburgh
Dr Yiaw Kian Mun

Category: doctor
MBBS (MAHE), MMED in Paediatric (UKM), Fellowship in Paediatric Nephrology (Aust)
Dr Yoon Lai Lan

Dr Yoong Boon Koon

Category: doctor
Bachelor of Science (Med), Medical Bachelor and Bachelor of Surgery (UNSW Australia), Master of Surgery (University Malaya), Clinical Fellowship in Hepatopancretobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, (QMH Hong Kong China)
Dr Zaharuddin Bin Rahmat

Category: doctor
MBBS (Malaya), MObGyn (Malaya), FRCOG (London), Academy of Medicine (Malaysia), Certified GynaeOncologist (Malaysia), Certified Colposcopist (Diagnostic & Therapeutic) BSCCP/RCOG(UK), Certified GynaeOncologist by European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), FACOG (USA), Certificate of da [...]
Dry Needling
Category: page
Dry needling is also known as trigger point dry needling or myofascial trigger point dry needling. The word “myofascial” is made up of the roots “myo” (which refers to muscle) and “fascia” (which refers to the tissue that connects muscle). It appears similar to [...]
Ear, Nose & Throat Centre
Category: excellence
At any given time, around 3 million Malaysians suffer from sinusitis, with an estimated 18 million cases each year. Meanwhile, many of those above the age of 50 wreastle with hearing problems while ear infections are the most common illness in babies and young children. At SunMed’s [...]
Early Detection Can Help Prevent Risk of Breast Cancer, Says Doctor
Category: news
Breast cancer can develop in anyone and among the factors that raise the risk of this disease include genetics, family history, hormonal changes, lifestyle, age, menstrual cycle and menopause. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, a total of 685,000 deaths were recorded in 2020 [...]
Early Detection for Polyps Vital
Category: news
No one has zero risk of developing colorectal cancer, but the chances of it happening to us increases with age, says Sunway Medical Centre (SunMed) Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist Dr Max Hu. The risk increases after the age of 40 and higher after 70. However, colorectal [...]
Early Detection of Blood Cancers
Category: news
Leukaemia is a type of blood cancer that affects the white blood cells. It mainly occurs because of DNA damage that causes cancer cells to form. Leukaemia is classified according to the speed of its progression and the type of white blood cells that are affected. Lymphatic or bone marrow disease [...]
Early Menopause Increases Risk of Osteoporosis
Category: news
Women who stop menstruating early are at a higher risk of having osteoporosis as they lose calcium earlier than normal. Hence, women who have stopped menstruating for at least four months before the age of 40 are encouraged to seek treatment. “In general, women experience menopause [...]
Early Pregnancy Care
Category: news
Pregnancy is a beautiful and long-awaited phase for a woman to complete a family. Therefore, care throughout pregnancy is important to ensure during that phase, both mother and baby are healthy with no complications until birth. The first trimester of pregnancy is important and should be [...]
Easily Worn Out? Difficulty Breathing? Beware of Heart Failure
Category: news
Do you become weary easily after only a few steps? Do you find it difficult to catch your breath every time you go up a few flights of stairs? Many individuals believe that these are normal due to poor physical performance and hence dismiss the likelihood that these are symptoms of heart [...]
Eat Like a Rabbit For a Healthy and Prosperous New Year
Category: news
The Lunar New Year always brings around a new mindset to improve the people’s health and well-being. As 2023 marks the ushering in of the Year of the Rabbit, one way the individuals can look towards doing so this year is by taking a page out of this furry little creature’s diet and [...]
Eat Right For A Healthy Festive Season
Category: news
With Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration around the corner, aside from involving in various interesting and traditional activities, indulging in delicious cuisine is definitely something that every individual looks forward to after a month long of fasting. A common knowledge is that foods such as [...]
Echo Cardiogram
Category: page
An echocardiogram is a type of ultrasound diagnostic test used by doctors to: Assess the overall function of the heart Determine the presence of any heart disease Follow the progress of any heart valve disease Evaluate the effectiveness of any medical or surgical [...]
ECT Fast and Effective for Severe Depression
Category: news
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a type of therapy for mental illnesses that involves transmitting electricity to the right and left temple in the patient's brain to stimulate brain tissue to relieve emotional stress. Geriatric Psychiatry, Dr Chan Yee Fai from Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway [...]
Eczema vs. Psoriasis: How Do You Tell Them Apart?
Category: blogpost
Eczema and psoriasis are two common skin conditions that are often easily confused for each other due to their similar symptoms. Both present as dry, scaly and red patches. Both have flare ups that come and go but never fully go away. Ultimately, both cause quite a significant amount of [...]
Educate kids on Covid-19 and risks, adults advised
Category: news
Children have a right to understand the nature of infectious diseases. But as adults, we have a responsibility to educate them on the possible risks of a disease and protect them from distress by optimising our knowledge, capabilities and resources. There are ways to talk to children to help [...]