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Educational Materials
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Effective Childhood Asthma Management: Tips and Strategies for Parents
Category: blogpost
Children with recurrent cough, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath may have one or more forms of asthma. Left untreated, asthmatic children often have less stamina than other children, or avoid physical activities to prevent coughing or wheezing. Sometimes they will complain that their [...]
Effective Diabetes Management and Care in Malaysia
Category: blogpost
Prevalence of Diabetes in Malaysia Diabetes is a life-long disease that we frequently hear or read about in the media and among our peers. It is a chronic disease where the body does not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into the energy [...]
Effective Prostate Enlargement Treatment with Water Vapour Therapy
Category: promotion
Are you facing difficulties with frequent urination or weak urine flow? Sunway Medical Centre's innovative Water Vapour Therapy offers a cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment for enlarged prostate, improving your quality of life with a simple and quick procedure. A Minimally Invasive [...]
Effective Treatment for Lazy Eyes (Amblyopia) in Children
Category: blogpost
What is “Lazy Eye’’ or Amblyopia? This is what should normally happen during the critical period of development in early childhood: both eyes receive clear and equally sharp images, stimulating normal maturation of the part of the brain for vision. This enables the child to [...]
Effects of Severe Hearing Loss in Adults
Category: blogpost
Losing the ability to hear the world around you can be distressing. In this article, we will discuss hearing loss and its possible impacts on an individual’s personal, social, and professional lives. How Hearing Loss Affects Adults Individuals suffering from hearing loss have reported [...]
Electrocardiography (ECG)
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An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic procedure that measures and probes for any complications or abnormalities with the electrical activity of the heart. An ECG translates the heart’s electrical activity into line tracings that doctors can use to detect abnormal heart [...]
Electroencephalography (EEG)
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An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a diagnostic test that detects electrical activity in the brain, providing the doctor with important information about its health and function. Small electrodes record the brain’s electrical activity from the surface of the scalp, and the data [...]
Electromyography (EMG)
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An electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic test that is used to record the electrical activity of muscles at rest and when they active. Motor neurons transmit electrical impulses to the muscles, instructing them to contract or relax. Active muscles produce an electrical current that is proportional [...]
Elevating Benchmarks to Enhance Malaysia’s Healthcare Ecosystem
Category: news
Malaysia, aspiring to be the main cancer treatment hub in Asia, sets out to provide excellent cancer care services with advanced cancer screening innovations. KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - 25 May 2023 - Cancer is a leading cause of death globally. Nevertheless, early identification of the [...]
Endoscopy Helps Examine Abdominal Pain, Identify Conditions in Children
Category: news
PETALING JAYA - Endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure that allows a doctor to visually examine the inside of the body with an endoscope - a long, thin and flexible tube with a camera and light. Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City consultant paediatrician Dr Nazrul [...]
Endoscopy Package
Category: promotion
Detecting stomach cancer and colorectal cancer early can significantly improve treatment outcomes and save your life. Our specialised endoscopy screening packages are designed to identify potential issues before they become serious, allowing for timely and effective treatment. Take advantage of [...]
Epilepsy In Kids: What You Need To Know
Category: news
Don purple attire with pride every year on March 26th and help spread awareness on epilepsy! Epilepsy is not something that is new. In fact, it goes all the way back to 2000 B.C., but only recognised as a medical issue from the 18th and 19th centuries. The medical advancements and researches [...]
Essential Eye Care Tips for Optimal Eye Health
Category: blogpost
Our eyes are one of the most vital organs in our body, but yet one of the most vulnerable due to it being an external organ. Our eyes are constantly exposed to countless types of foreign substances. Therefore, eye safety can be easily overlooked as most people think that eye safety is [...]
Evening Clinics Now Available
Category: promotion
Evening Clinics Now Available at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City! Get expert medical care at your convenience with our evening clinics, available every Thursday from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm at Level 1, Tower C. Now you can consult with our experienced specialists after office [...]
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Every part of the body is at risk of cancer
Category: news
Lately, there are more cancer cases involving young patients than among the elderly and the Malaysia National Cancer Registry Report 2012-2016 (MNCRR) showed that many women in their early 30s are diagnosed with cancer. Similar data also found that women are more at risk of getting cancer with [...]
Exclusive Eye Examination Package
Category: promotion
EXCLUSIVE EYE EXAMINATION PACKAGE A comprehensive eye assessment plays an important role in preventive healthcare. This exclusive eye examination package consists of comprehensive eye tests which can address the overall health of your eyes and the status of your visual system. It allows early [...]
Exercise Tips for a Healthy Heart
Category: blogpost
We want a long, prosperous and healthy life. Unfortunately, due to the toll of extended working hours, and hardly any time left for ourselves, let alone to exercise, some may develop diseases. Musculoskeletal pain, heart disease and diabetes have all become a common friend in the time that we are [...]
Expansion Plans
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