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Breastfeeding Support Centre

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Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for your baby, as it is easier to digest and contains antibodies that help your baby fight germs. It also reduces the mother’s risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and enhances bonding between mother and baby. At Sunway Medical Centre, we are committed [...]

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Bridging East and West: Coffee Break with Dr Lim, Medical Director and Consultant for Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Category: blogpost

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) often faces scepticism and misconceptions within the medical community with many perceiving it as unscientific or less effective compared to Western medicine. Bridging this divide is Dr Lim Ren Jye, Medical Director and Consultant for Traditional and [...]

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Bridging The Gap On Adult Immunisation Among Malaysians

Category: news

The immunisation coverage gap exposes Malaysians to potentially life-threatening illnesses, especially those that can be prevented with a vaccine. KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 — In Malaysia, while significant strides have been made in child vaccination campaigns, adult immunisation, especially [...]

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Brighten Your Festive Smile With The Right Dental Care

Category: news

With the festive season around the corner, most of us are already salivating with anticipation for the delightful and delicious treats while we celebrate with our loved ones. However, it can sometimes lead us to forget the importance of maintaining good dental health. Dental surgeon Dr Emilia [...]

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British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards

Category: award

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British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards 2023 - UK-Malaysia Partnership of the Year

Category: award

British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards 2023 Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City took home the Second Runner-Up trophy in the UK-Malaysia Partnership of the Year category at the 4th British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards 2023

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Buddy System Part of Holistic Cancer Care

Category: news

  Sunway Cancer Centre has come a long way since starting off in 2010 with only a chemotherapy daycare centre offering services on one floor. Today, it has a dedicated space with chemotherapy daycare unit, outpatient department and radiotherapy equipment housed across two floors, reducing [...]

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Can A Good Night’s Sleep Improve Your Mental Health? Here’s What An Expert Says

Category: news

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated one in eight people globally was living with mental disorders in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. While the pandemic has and continues to take a toll on our mental health, we have the opportunity to strengthen our efforts to [...]

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Can Sudden Cardiac Death Be Prevented?

Category: blogpost

Most cases of sudden death stem from heart diseases. The most common heart disease that causes sudden cardiac death vary depending on age groups: In the younger population, sudden cardiac death is often due to undetected cardiovascular disease, while in the older population, the cause is more often [...]

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Cancer detection through EUS technology

Category: news

Cancer in digestive organs such as the gastrointestinal tract or oesophagus and pancreas are difficult to detect at an early stage. This is because there are no initial symptoms shown or felt by the patient other than the cancer cells occurring in the lining of the oesophagus and pancreas which [...]

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Cancer in Children

Category: news

Cancer in children is rare, but parents cannot afford to take this disease lightly. In the United States, as many as 15,600 new cases involve cancer among children and adolescents between the ages of 0 and 19. In Malaysia, an average of 750 to 800 new cases are recorded each year. Sunway [...]

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Cancer in the younger generation

Category: news

Cancer was the second highest cause of death in the world in 2018 and Malaysia alone recorded 16,000 deaths that year due to the disease. The Malaysian National Cancer Registration Report (MNCRR) 2012-2016 showed that there was an increase in the number of new cases detected during the [...]

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Cancer is Not the Endgame: Bowie and Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Category: blogpost

Bowie first discovered numerous small lumps on her neck in 2017. Thinking that she was feverish, she started to drink herbal tea, hoping that the tea would make the lumps go away. The tea didn’t work, so Bowie consulted a doctor. She was advised to go for a biopsy, where tissues will be [...]

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Cancer Public Forum: Dr Wong Pak Kai Shared Tips to Prevent Cancer

Category: news

Cancer normally will attack people who are not protected against it and it will eventually leave serious consequences if it is not detected in time. Consultant Colorectal Surgery, Dr Michael Wong Pak Kai in a public forum stated that among many cancers, colorectal cancer is extremely harmful and [...]

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Cancer screening saves lives

Category: news

Cancer is the second highest cause of death in the country and although many know the dangers of this disease, fear and awareness alone are still unable to lower it on the graph. Sunway Medical Centre Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Dr Aqilah Othman said the level of public awareness is [...]

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Cancer Through Illustrations

Category: news

People tend to have a negative perception on hospitals – indifferent white treatment rooms, the pungent smell of antiseptic and unsettling emotions of fear, anxiety and sadness. Yet behind the door of the Cancer & Radiosurgery Centre at Sunway Medical Centre, a medical physicist is [...]

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Cancer Treatment Challenges in the Elderly

Category: blogpost

The word ‘cancer’ is always associated with fear - fear of pain and suffering, fear of recurrence, fear of death - to name but just a few. Such fear is drastically heightened in older adults, as most of them are worried that their other chronic health conditions, coupled with a weakened [...]

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Cancer Types

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Cancer – When You Least Expect It

Category: news

“I once thought I would just let the cancer cells spread and die. “I had that thought because I was too upset and could not accept the fact that I had cancer at such a young age, especially when my career was about to take off,” said Carson Lee*, 28. Carson shared his [...]

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Cancer: A Time Bomb

Category: news

Cancer was not a common disease but today, various cancers are leading patients to their end. This situation is influenced by financial constraints among the low income groups (B40), allowing them to only seek treatment when they are already at Stage 3 or 4 of the disease. Other reasons why [...]

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