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Dr Ong Sik Yong

Dr Ong Sik Yong

Category: doctor

Medical Doctor (USM), Membership of the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health (MRCPCH), Master of Paediatrics (MMED, University Malaya), Fellowship in Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Hepatology and Nutrition (MOH, Birmingham Children Hospital, UK)

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Dr Ooi Ee Thiam

Dr Ooi Ee Thiam

Category: doctor

MBBS (Malaya), MRCP (UK)

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Dr Patrick Tiau Wei Jyung

Dr Patrick Tiau Wei Jyung

Category: doctor

MBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), NHAM (MAL), Certificate Advance Studies in Heart Failure (CASHF-UZH Switzerland), FAPSIC (ASIA-PACIFIC) EAPCI (ESC), HFA (ESC)

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Dr Paul Lim Vey Hong

Dr Paul Lim Vey Hong

Category: doctor

MB ChB, FRCS (Surgery), FRCS (England), FRCS (Edinburgh)

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Dr Peh Khaik Kee

Dr Peh Khaik Kee

Category: doctor

MB ChB (Aberdeen, UK), FRCOpth (UK), CCT (UK), Medical Retina Fellowship (UK) , Surgical Retina Fellowships ( Perth, Western Australia & Oxford, UK)

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Dr Phang Cheng Kar

Dr Phang Cheng Kar

Category: doctor

BSc (UPM), MD (UPM), MMedPsych (UKM)

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Dr Philip Poi Jun Hua

Dr Philip Poi Jun Hua

Category: doctor

LRCP & S, MB, Ch, BAO, MRCP (Ireland)

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Dr Poh Keat Seong

Dr Poh Keat Seong

Category: doctor

BSc (MedSci) Hons, MD (UPM), MRCSEd (UK), MS (UKM), FACS (USA), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (Malaysia & USA)

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Dr Poongkodi A/P S Nagappan

Dr Poongkodi A/P S Nagappan

Category: doctor

MBBS (University of Malaya), MS (General Surgery) (UKM), FRCS (Urol) (Glasg)

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Dr Pradesh Kumar A/L Kutty Krishnan

Dr Pradesh Kumar A/L Kutty Krishnan

Category: doctor

MB ChB (Dundee), MRCS (Glasg) FRCR (UK), CCT (UK)

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Dr Priatharisiny A/P Ponnai @ Velayutham

Dr Priatharisiny A/P Ponnai @ Velayutham

Category: doctor

MBBS( Manglore),MSORL-HNS(UM) CMIA ( NIOSH),Fellowship Paediatric ORL-HNS(BCH, Harvard University)

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Dr Rahmat Bin Omar

Dr Rahmat Bin Omar

Category: doctor


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Dr Raja Rizal Azman Bin Raja Aman

Dr Raja Rizal Azman Bin Raja Aman

Category: doctor


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Dr Rajesh Singh A/L Karnail Singh

Dr Rajesh Singh A/L Karnail Singh

Category: doctor

MBBS Hons (NSW), MS Orth (UM), Fellow Upper Limb, Hand & Microsurgery (Aus)

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Dr Ramesh A/L K Gurunathan

Dr Ramesh A/L K Gurunathan

Category: doctor

MBBS (Mang), M Surg (UKM), FRCS (Ire), AM (Mal)

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Dr Ravi A/L S Krishnapillai

Dr Ravi A/L S Krishnapillai

Category: doctor

MBBS (Mal), FRACS (Edin), FRCS Neurosurgery (UK)

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Dr Ravindran A/L Thuraisingham

Dr Ravindran A/L Thuraisingham

Category: doctor

MBBS (Manipal), MS Orth (UM)

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Dr Raymond Tan Yen Leong

Dr Raymond Tan Yen Leong

Category: doctor

MD (UKM), MRCP (UK), MSc Clinical Neurology (Lond), Fellowship in Neurology (Mal)

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Dr Richard Chan Tze Ming

Dr Richard Chan Tze Ming

Category: doctor

MBChB (Auckland), MRCP (London, UK), FRCP (Glasg), BSCI / BSCCT (UK), NHAM (MAL), Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology (IJN)

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Dr Richard Chua Kok Wah

Dr Richard Chua Kok Wah

Category: doctor

MB BCh BAO, MRCP (UK), FAM (Singapore)

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